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Advice Request
Nithin Prasad K
Nithin Prasad K

Nithin Prasad K

HR Executive

SJS India Pvt Ltd

Job Profile:
My Job Profile is HR generalist,Indus trail Relation. Handling All the Statutory & Payroll Process.Recruitment,training,Development,Manpower Management,Gr evince handling.
Career Profile:
Initially i was handling Only Statutory Complains. But Currently I am Handling Generalist Profile,IR,Payroll,Recruitment,training,Development,statutory Complies,Manpower Planing,Legal & Grievance Handling .
Other Thoughts:
Involvement in the Industry
succession planing
Family Background
mother sister
Growth Strategy:
Keep learning and encouragre others to benefit from this moment of sharing and learning.
Role Model:
Mr.Nareder modhi. because he is running behind new technology
Changes In The Professional Environment:
its very challenging
Degrees That Matter:
MSW in PM & IR
Professional Strengths:
Leadership skills
Interpersonal skills
Problem-solving skills
The ability to prioritize
Team player
The ability to multitask
Done Differently:
Prized Accomplishment(s):
Plans For The Future:
I see myself as someone who can make all seniors and colleges get fired because of my multitask ability and super intelligent as well as replace your position. Then, I will own your company and lead the company by my own effort.
The Decisions That Matter
remember how much shocked my parents were and how much scared I was when I decided to leave home to attend my college in a different city. But, that was the most important decision I had ever made.
Once I left home. I learnt the meaning of Independance and Freedom.At first I had felt somewhat uncomfortable of being away FROM HOME and away from the parental guidance. Because for the first time I was all by myself. Then I realised I was Independant. There I learnt to take life's important decisions, alone. My parents were not there to guide me through the right track. Whether it was about taking some course or was about making new friends, I had to make the all the decisions wisely all by myself.
Required Reading:
cite hr,Siliconindia
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