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Advice Request
Nishchal Wadekar
Nishchal Wadekar

Nishchal Wadekar

Manager Sales and Marketing



Nishchal Wadekar is a member of:

Family Background
Born and bought up in traditional middle class coastal maharastrian family!
Contribution to the field
the freedom to work, withing boundaries of company policies..willingness of top management to listen and put forrward the views, and making themselves, available and appoachable..flat structure, with excellent product and very optimistic but practical leadership..
What can be achieved
Sky is the limit, but sky do have booundaries of horizon, but again is vieweres corporate world, marketing people expected to be very optimistic, and hence many a times, deviates from practical..they are thought 2 b superficial, but actually, when u r n concept seeling its othewise..
Importance of STP
Extremely remain in niche market, to increase probfitability..the value addition for customer is an another aspect of prime importance...
its simple, no ones perfect, so does your hit rate..every order lost is an learning experince which 100 order bagged wont give you..loosing some orders is important as it keeps you on your toes and keep you open to learning and away from lethargy, thats creeps in monopoly sale..
What suggestions would you like to give to the aspirants who want to make their career in Marketing only?
Go slow on yourself..learning in initial phase should be prime moto, and allow yourself the time of five to six year, before you actually start thinking og big money..
Achieving Targets
focus is figure of hot leads from cold ones or slow moving is important..divide the year into ten to tewlve sectors, and study the trend in past, with respect to order book..each sector and application help them focus on hot, and identify hot leads, help them close deals fastr
Motivating Factor
Money..practically, the keep moving up in your career verticaly and horizontally is high motivating factor..well organisation you work for the boss and eadership and value addition that they do in your personal grwoth is also equally important..
Growth Prospect in marketing
I wish if there was such one is guranteed of fast will need patiance, irrespective of the feild of operation..personally i feel, every stream has equal opportunity to grow, if correct effort and focus is maintained..yes one advantage that marekting has is, that its visibility..
Brief yourself
highy motivated, focussed and target oriented..always try and do some value addition to work, and imrpove and simplify the process, for ease..self starter, and has eye for the details..well, 300 odd characters are not enough to write about me..hahahahaha
Positioning the product
Vaslue addition, will dictate lot of it..the longitivity and competition will also need s to taken into account..well, it is very specific for discuss the details..
Marketing will have responsibility to position the product and service into market and move organisation into profitability..Sales and marketing are bread earner of the organisation..its fundamental need of the orgnaistaion..
it is very agreessive, and time bound..its face of organisation..
Role in an organization
to ensure the achive targets in asigned territory for the overlooking on inquiry generation to closing deals..and after sale serive coordination and maintain customer relationship..
Future prospect
Would like to be an enterprener myself..such that will be use my skills and ability to serve the industry in a way or two..eventually would like to settle in consulting role, to attain value addition, in area of my speciality and give it back what i got to learn from the others..
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