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Advice Request
Nishant Kumar Singh
Nishant Kumar Singh

Nishant Kumar Singh

Senior Associate Consultant

Infosys Ltd.

Couple of years from now
I would like to see myself leading in my unit and setting benchmarks for others in the team and in my company. Since I am not a job hopper, I want to understand the organization I am working for. I give considerable time to myself as well as the system. If I see that I am not able to add much value or not able to recieve significant value I try to seek alternative. But before this I discuss with my Seniors to find some mutually beneficial arrangement
Initiative to develop a country
Professionals have to explore opportunities in other lesser explored secotrs like Agriculture, Manufacturing, Tourism etc. Just sticking around your Job is going to make an impact on a limited set of people but a new sector will open up a multitude of avanues for a lot of people and the GDP of our country will go north in a more inclusive way.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
We need to revisit the basic framework of education in India. Though some people feel it should be bottom up, I believe it should be improved from both ends. Look at the number of papers published and patents filed by our Instituions. No education institution leads in it in India. If we look at the Global scale, even small Nations like Taiwan and South Korea are way ahead of us. Since our scientists are not able to do quality work, the students working with them also follow the same. And lack of funds is not always the reason. IIT's have been given a lot of funds but they have not been able to show results atleast in the proportion of fundings. Rather than funding we need to include, performance related pay, transfers of teachers across the country and demotions in case of non performance. Once we do all these things resuts will be visible.
Brief description about me
I am a Management Graduate from SJMSOM, IIT Bombay. Currently I am working with Infosys in the Business Platform units. I Like writing, reading, watching movies and weight training. I am also having keen interest in Indian Politics. I try to understand what are the issues facing our Nation. How can we work together for the betterment of our country.
My strongest skill
My strongest Professional skill is Pre Sales, Marketing and Negotiation.
I consider attention to detail and committement for the given task as the best attributes I have.
My family background
I belong to a family of farmers. My Great Grand Father and Grand Fathers, Uncle were all farmers. Father became Doctor just by chance. He was a Government Doctor untill he retired. We did not see much of the lavish life style as others.The probable reason were Values like Integrity, Honesty and Propriety which were ingrained in us from our family and kept us incorruptible till today. We use to have what we deserve and not an iota more than that. During Initial days we have to struggle a lot. We have to study in the scorching sun while sharing room with my siblings.
Ensuring success
Firstly to continue to grow and develop in your life, the basic requirement is you should be healthy both physically and mentally. I workout for 60-70 minutes daily to keep myself fit. Learning is a process of Living and I read regularly. Though I have been reading books for quite some time now. The only change is that I am reading more of intellectual books like biographies of leaders from various spheres of life. I also make a point to be be in touch with Good people as there is no substitute for a face to face discussion
Important lesson learned
Yes there are many lessons I have learnt in my life so far:
1. Be in touch with your good friends no matter how far you are from them
2. Leave anger and sensitivity at your home and be always ready to bite the bullet. The more personal insult you get, the stronger you become. But you should not compromise with your responsibilities and obligations
3. Life is not fair, it can repeatedly show you failures. In the end if you have patience you will get the results which are far better than what others undeserving have got as of now.
4. You cannot make people excel by threat, force or monetry benefits alone. You need to first show then how hard you are working, all of them will follow if they are having slight committement towards their jobs
My role model
My Role Model is Dr. Abdul Kalam. I got inspired when I read his book Ignited minds. His books help me understand my responsibilities towards my country. His life help overcome me in situations when the question is between self interest and society's interest. In short his writings and his life gave me immense energy to keep on working just like an electon roatiting around the nucleus endlessly.
Degree that I recommend
MBA is the best thing I have done for my career. I do not think that any degree or certificates are required at this point. May be after some 5-8 years I would like to go for an advance leadership course from a reputed international university like Harvard or Kellogs
My achievements
1. Established a library which has collections of most sought after books. It was started in 2006 and operational till now.
2. Assisted one of my friend in keeping afloat his company by devising a new strategy for the firm
3. Successfully completed my MBA from the prestigious SJMSOM, IIT Bombay
Influenced by
I have been most influenced by my friend Sunil Kumar Singh from Allahabad. He is the direct force which has always provided me motivation and direction. Whenver I am in doubt about any decision, I call him and he helps me clear all of them. I can see the value of his advice in both my Journey as well his. He is moving from one level to another higher level just by continuously improvising his present self. Right now he is a top IES officer in Indian Railways and will be joining India Administrative Services soon
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Qualities required to become successful leader are:
1. Leading by example
2. Soft spoken and less authoritative
3. Controlling anger and adverse emotions
4. Vision
5. People management
Important decision
The most important decision was to choose between MBA and MS. MS could have given immediate returns. MBA can lead to delayed returned, but it depend upon what you want to do after MBA. You can very easily remain an ordinary professional working for a company just like another number. On the other hand, you can dream to become like Anil Agarwal of Vedanta or Bansals of Flip Kart. With knowledge of business and a will power to succeed with equally good patience, the dream can be turned into a reality
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