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Advice Request
Niranjan Rout
Niranjan Rout

Niranjan Rout

Head Improvements

Tata BlueScope Steel

Blogs (1)

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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
We hail from a family of teachers. Grandpa was a teacher in a village. Father moved to an industrial city & worked in Education Department. I grew and joined the same Company after studies just as my brother. I have an elder sister too. Character, Knowledge have a precedence in my family over money.
Working Life Management:
I do. It's a closed loop. When I feel my work is depriving me to do justice to my family I try to adjust. I cant always do that if I'm chasing some deadline. But I make sure once I do meet them I take my decisions. I take assignments which gives me breathing time and also spread my horizon :).
Required Reading:
Irrespective of industry - one must first learn to chase their dream. So "The Alchemist" is one such book. For people and industry to survive in new era with competition - innovating is a must. "The new age of innovation" is a book I'd recommend . Websites: Linkedin, Slideshare and Siliconindia. :)
Prized Accomplishment(s):
Establishing an manufacturing system with integration of ERP to shop floor is the one. Coming to IT from an O&M and project background, the domain was known to me. Synchronizing multiple projects, skilled IT pros to deliver the integrated system and establishing operation with production was fun.
Advice For New Professionals:
Some work for money, some with a dream which could be clear or blurred. Know your priorities balancing your needs. Once its firm chase your goal. This is generic but can guide. Say, if you need the employment badly - follow set rules, but if you can afford - experiment with roles, company, studies.
Other Thoughts:
Most important in career is people. We just cant afford to neglect this. We need good mentors, guiding seniors, synergistic colleagues, contributing group members in social media, loving and caring family. All people! So, park your ego and network. Have self esteem but not ego when its about people!
Done Differently:
I'd be more focused. I'd started my career when I needed it to survive. So, I switched between survival and growth tactics. Couldn't see a long term perspective in light of short term gains. This time I'd chase exactly what suits me, do the exact courses that I'd use and network from the start of it
Career Profile:
Present role is relatively generic and people oriented. Driving Continuous Improvement and Operational Excellence for a Business needs support from Boardroom to Shopfloor.
IT functions to integrate manufacturing systems with business processes also involved people but some key BPOs outside IT team.
Job Profile:
Driving the profit center through its Continuous Improvement and Business Excellence journey. Lead the CFTs in initiatives. Present focus is in TPM at shop floor level and Process Mapping and Alignment at business level to establish ISO Standards in areas of Quality, Environment and Safety.
Plans For The Future:
I see myself as a Business Analyst who can drive business to co-create value with its stakeholders. I'd like to either lead a business or a key function to build agile processes and practices tuned to serve the customers expectations. I may even take up entrepreneurship if I feel underutilized.
The Decisions That Matter
I feel its the present one. From 1st July I'm leading the Improvement Group from my last role as a IT Head. This gives me liberty to focus on defining and co-creating business processes rather than waiting for some BPO to deliver it half hartedly and delaying signing it to the last day!
Degrees That Matter:
A degree in Engineering or Statistics with some Business Qualification (MBA or PGDM) helps shape up an Career in Analytics. (that's what I am internally) For my role I need to guide people do it but I must myself be convinced that a chunk of numbers can lead to knowledge discovery and decisions.
Growth Strategy:
Learn. Generalize. Apply theories from books with due diligence for the ground reality. Apply learning from one function in other (Horizontal Deployment?). Respect people. Learn from every person possible. Maintain integrity and self esteem while doing so. Inclusive growth.
Role Model:
JRD Tata. He not only chased his dreams but also enjoyed his life in class and style. That's what is a dream career. Being able to do what I want to do. Enjoy life as I want to. Get respect for my work, get love of people I love and care about. He did it with passion and enabled his team also do so!
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