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Advice Request
Navin Natraj
Navin Natraj

Navin Natraj

Account Manager - Enterprise Sales

Netcore Solutions

Brief description about me
An Engineer & a Management professional by qualification. Been in the Sales & Marketing function for the past 3.5 years across 3 companies of high repute, with strong achievements, both qualitative as well as quantitative.
My strongest skill
Sales & Marketing Management, Dedication, Go-getter Attitude, Conviction, Perseverance & Professional Networking.
My role model
Warren Buffet - Purely because of his instinctive approach, exploring the unexplored, being head strong despite heavy expectations from the professional world. Lastly, his humble nature irrespective of the stature he commands.
Initiative to develop a country
Ensure bureaucracy is kept out of the professional world. Focus on Innovation, Out-of-the-comfort-zone work style & encouraging entrepreneurial culture is the key to India's success.
More about myself
With so many white papers available online across topics, its high time that GEN-Y starts using the same to their advantage w.r.t growth & eventually indulge in co-creation.
Ensuring success
Maintaining a consistent learning curve across Industries & Functions. Networking is also one of the key factors for growth from a long term perspective. Besides, hunger for success will always help me from achieving my goals, both short term as well as long term.
Important decision
Professional Instances wherein my choice for a better Work Profile as compared to all other material aspects has always resulted in significant accomplishments, both professionally as well as personally.
My achievements
Any value / revenue target provided to me has always been achieved / over achieved apart from ensuring that every client / partner managed has not migrated to any competitor.
Couple of years from now
Mid-level leadership position thereby driving a team of strong & highly focused professionals towards a common achievement / goal.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Strong Instincts, Leadership Skills, Proactive Attitude, Team Player & most importantly aggressive and fearless prior to making / taking any critical decisions.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Needs to be more practical rather than theoretical. Hands on experience should be provided w.r.t important subjects.
Degree that I recommend
SAP Certification is very important an aspect in this technologically driven world.
Important lesson learned
Complacency is the key to failure in a highly competitive environment. Remember to be on your toes, no matter how big & strong your achievements have been. Most importantly, perseverance combined with hard work will always be a driver in a professional's life.
My family background
Father in Service, Mother is a house wife & a younger sister currently pursuing her graduation.
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