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Advice Request
Naveen Saxena
Naveen Saxena

Naveen Saxena

Test Lead

HCL Technologies


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Naveen Saxena's Advice

Points for Automation Framework

1) Can be enhanced easily. 2) Can be setup. 3) Covering recovery scenario. 4) Easily accessible. 5) Go for generic so that can be used for every application. 6) Reporting should be good .

Manual test cases coveerage

Try to create high level requirement and write the testcases for each requirement. Cover ve ,_ve and complex scenario segregation .
Family Background
I belong to middle class family from UP having total five member who make me learn to cope up from every thing.They always make me learn that every defeat is the lesson for the great Success.
MY younger brother is( and sister(BBA).
Work Accomplishments
1)Early testing concept : Developed the concept called early testing ,This concept was useful for better ROI and quality product.
2)Future Task: Going to launch my own open source selenium framework on which can manual tester can work easily and can be used by any organization.
Prized Accomplishment
When my teammates appreciate for my work and my senior for my leadership ,it is really great accomplishment .
Many times recommend my teammates in front of management to motivate them for their hard work, this is good way to create good working culture and help to build team sprit.
Positive attitude towards my work.
Every failure is the first step to get better success.
Appreciations from juniors to make more capable, Love to make more Naveen.
Can go ISTQB however request to you join more discussion and conference , will give you great learning .
Parting thoughts
Best Accomplishment ,gave 15 Hrs training to some people on Selenium ,All are working independently .

Have delivered many mile stone projects and best practices.
consulting the testing projects out side from organization @ZERO cost.
Difficulties at initial Stage
Always showed my capability and learning more in comparison to those people who are at my level.
Experience matters lots however positive attitude, hard work ,self learning capability are other parameter which can compensate your experience and i always do the same.
Career Disappointments
When you are junior resource, People ignore your thoughts .I gave some risk analysis for one of my project and no one gave this priority and after that it was caught on production then disappointed for the same so the main point , should be a good listener.
Money V/S Work
For me, Work and job statisfaction are always priority; I joined my second company @ zero hikes.
Joined HCL technology for my role and technology, have good offer apart from HCL.
Providing the selenium training @ZERO cost.
Consulting for the testing project @ zero cost outside from my organization.
Learning’s/ Knowledge gaining
Started more participation to share my knowledge to other people and taking their views on the same .Joined the testing conference.
Current Role in The Organization
Presently, I am working with HCL technology, Bangalore as Senior Test engineer, Very glad to be the part of an esteem organization not because for the sake of salary but for the sake of works and CEO Magical words ,HCL CEO VineetNayar says “Success comes from creativeness not experience"
Long working hours
Yes, Have so many weekends and night in the office not because to complete the pending the task,just because to make myself more capable and can provide better vision to others.The great achievement is to be the part of decision panel for the project or others. I am least exp guy in my current team.
Boss Qualities
Highly Motivated.
Good Speaker.
Should always think from team perspective.
Should be transparent to the team.
Should be good listener.
Should have knowledge on which team is working.
Leadership Quality
There was release time for the project and was handling the 3 manual team and suddenly 2 were not well and manager asked me drop the mail for the delay however did not drop the mail and delivered the project with in same time frame.
Always help teammates to make work life balance.
Strongest Point
Positive attitude
Good team builder.
Good solution provider.
Good forecast for the project.
Working Preference
I will never refuse to any one, everyone has their own way to work and our motive is to complete the goal by hook or crook so will coordinate and make great tuning with them.
Growing Strategy
As a QA , will try to make some core testing practice which can reduce the cost and increase the quality with quantity.
Doing Differently
Will work in more planned way and create an environment that teammate would love to come office for their task.

Make teammates more capable and independent.

Will show the road map for the task so that they can plan the things their on way.
Dream Job
Want to become great contributor to IT world as a QA and IT guy.
Career Goal
More Capable.
More expertise.
Handling more and more people with different mind sets.
Make myself idol personality for my work and vision.
Position Preference
I never prefer for the position, always ready to give 200% of mine.
Work Ethics
Hard work Smart work .
Positive attitude.
Self Learner.
Contribution by you
1) Providing best practices.
2) Enhancing technical knowledge to other teammates.
3) Handling multiple projects.
4) Quality work.
Professional Advice
Together we can do more” so be the part of more discussion and make yourself more creative.

Enhance the self teaching ability.
Success Path
Will not say successful ,Moving towards the successful, It is a beginning so "Mile to Go,Before I Sleep " . May be i am successful for others so depend .
Journey so far
I am the part of HCL from last 7 months, it means 7 *22*9 =1386 Hours journey however have spent 7*25*12 =2100 Hours so this is actual time where I try to give my best to my company without any Pressure and work load. Here, I am the part of the center of excellence (COE) which makes more strength.
Role Comparison
1) Individual responsibility and handling the team.
2) Technical Management job.
3) Talk to client and work on RFP .
4) POC creation for Automation.
5) Part of selection panel for the recruitment .
Reference and Sharing is good site for the fundamental of testing.
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