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Advice Request
Nara Narayan Sharma
Nara Narayan  Sharma

Nara Narayan Sharma

social service

Society for Animal Welfare and Management (SAWM)

My family background
I came from a respected family of Pokharel(Sharma) descendant of Bramin caste. My father, grandfather, great grandfather, great great grandfather were all reputed scholars of Sanskrit and Astrology. My father was one of the richest person in our district. We are three sons of my father, all graduate.
Brief description about me
Ex-science teacher, Founder and Chairperson of Society for Animal Welfare and Management (SAWM)since 1998. Animal lover, almost vegetarian and love all kinds of humans besides of their gender,religion,caste & creed. Love both atheist and theist.I believe the earth is not inherited property of humans only it belongs to all animals equally and indiscriminately
More about myself
I would like to share animal welfare activities with everyone and seek support from them. We are developing an medium sized animal shelter for abused and abandoned animals in Kathmandu Nepal and seeking financial support from everyone to run it
My strongest skill
I was a science and maths teacher in High School for 15 years and considered to be the best teacher in my area. I'm well in public relation with skills of running an NGO.
Important decision
Apart from my traditional Sanskrit background I opted for English education difficult to get permission from my family; I was successful to follow my decision. My decision to work as an animal welfarist also was an unique and unbelievable act in my society.
My achievements
I am proud of my contribution as a teacher. I worked very hard to give life to an old ruined science lab at the school I taught. The school had only 2 students appeared at 1st division and with low percentage of pass students, in school leaving certificate examination during the whole period of school establishment of 24 years. After I started teaching at the school the percentage of pass student rose as high as 90-95% with 30-40% at first division. I am also proud of my works in animal welfare activities that I achieved with my own efforts without external support.
Initiative to develop a country
Although I am from Nepal but I believe development of Nepal directly varies as the development in India. So development in India is a concern of Nepal also. Honesty, competency, application of latest technology and dedication are main factors that make a country prosperous; so the professionals have no choices except to follow the aforesaid mantras.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
In my opinion a successful leader in true sense needs the following qualities:able to assess national & international developing trends, deep knowledge of cultural & ethical values of the community s/he lives, assessing power of developing needs & trend of the society, successful arbitrator, tactful communicator, willing to deal with adverse situations are some of the qualities that a successful leader needs to possess.
Ensuring success
I do the things I know in details and do it diligently that's all.
Degree that I recommend
I am bachelor in Science, Zoology(1975)
Thoughts on Education system of our country
In a country like India with vast population we need to empathise on vocational education from the beginning in the latest technology rather than the traditional system of certificate oriented education.
Couple of years from now
I believe I will be in a better situation in a couple of years as the economy of the country is getting better.
My role model
My role model is Singapore, they are successful to develop their country and maintained law and order strictly for public security.
Influenced by
I am mostly influenced by Mahatma Gandhi for many reasons; love and excuse has no alternative to develop harmony in any society.
Important lesson learned
Our activities are subjected to achieve happiness; property, offsprings, name, fame even heinous crimes like murder 881984 rape but happiness can not be achieved by acquiring these things. Happiness comes when we identify others needs either humans or animals and help them and also live close to nature.
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