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Advice Request
Muralikumar U Sreekantan
Muralikumar U Sreekantan

Muralikumar U Sreekantan

Senior Test Engineer

Thought Focus


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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
Father 881984 brother being a mechanical engineer and mother being a Physics lecturer, I landed up into technical side. My basic education was into textile and finally landed in QA. Lot more can be shared, but stopping over here.
Tech trends to watch out for
I do have a watch over the new tools. To be very practical, it has just given me overlook of what it does and none of these has really helped me in my career.
The other part I keep looking is the domain where QA has better stand.
Essential Advice
Very first advice is to those who want to get into QA
- it is not an easy job, its not an inferior job, and it cannot be compared with any other role in IT.
QA requires lot of analysis and a mind set to break application apart, without which one cannot sustain in the field for longer duration.
Changes in the industry
I haven't seen any major change. Its pretty much the same. There are lot of talks that QA will not survive over the next few years, which I totally deny. Any project/product developed will be unique (one way or the other) and one requires to study/get used to it before he performs QA activities.
The Journey So Far
I never had thought that I will get into QA, until I applied for textile QA position and luckily got into QA. There after I mastered the art of testing. Of-course I haven't spent much time on learning new things in the last couple of years. Its all fun and tricky to be part of QA. Its CAT & DOG game
Current and Previous Responsibilities
I am just a individual contributor now. I never expected to be one while I was working as lead in previous company. Responsibility to deliver bug free product remains same even though the role is different.
Most Important Decisions
Tricky question to answer. I always wanted to explore different domains and I still look out for some mind blowing complex project where in your brain is squeezed and used the more (by all means logically, technically, etc,..). I still prefer to be on the technical side rather than managerial side.
Plans for the Future
A name in industry :). To manage highly self motivated brains in short.
Required Reading
Software Engineering - Roger S Pressman.
I started with this book and would rather call it as bible for QA.
I have read 100's of books/articles and publications. But again, everything is one and the same.
Most Important Lessons
Pretty good question
1. Keep your ego aside
2. Never get pissed off with something.
3. Got to be both smart and hard worker
4. Never get sluggish (you lose ur interest and job when you get that)
5. Be a good people manager (and of-course fire those useless/over smart & over speaking nuts in team)
Degrees that Matter
hmm...The course I did wasn't easy. Just to clear the paper I had to read hell lot of books.
I haven't done any certification so far.Its just useful to get job. As I have seen, no good company wants certification, they want brains. All I do suggest is to read, read and read :).
Currently working at
Title given is QA lead, working as individual contributor as mentioned before. Ensure delivery on time and nothing more. Its easy and simple. Isn't it? :)
A Fine Balance:
Take frequent breaks :) and complete your work on time. There are times you will have to stay late, but that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice life. I am clear with what, when and how to do. Priority is all is wanted.
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