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Advice Request
Mohith Mathur
Mohith Mathur

Mohith Mathur

Senior Software engineer



Mohith Mathur is a member of:

- Expert
The Journey : Early Days to How I Got Here
I started as an associate software engineer in Mphasis, an HP company
working on Java/J2EE technologies. With growing years of experience I
got more exposure to the latest technologies and processes of the IT
world. After moving to Symantec became part of mobile app development
project. After initial learning curve, I gradually became the key
developer managing various security aspects of our app including
deciding on the right crypto graphic algorithm to be used, picking up
the secure mobile data storage, selecting the right code obfuscator tool
Decisions That Mattered
Right from the initial days of my carrier till date, I always kept my
focus on learning and working on Java/J2EE technologies. This helped me
to learn more insights of these technologies. Furthermore, while keeping
my thrive for Java on I moved onto the mobile app development project
where I could not only leverage my Java knowledge learning other OOPS
languages like J2ME, Objective C, Silverlight etc. but also learnt
security aspects which are essential for any secure mobile app
The Turning Points
Joining Symantec and working of VIP Access project gave a great boost to
my carrier where I could not only leverage my Java knowledge but also
became a security expert.
Work and Role: Then and Now
My current job not only gives me opportunity to work on latest mobile
technologies and platforms but has also helped me to enhance my security
Two Years Down the Line
Mohith gained hands-on experience of secure app development on various mobile platforms including iOS, Android, RIM, and Windows Phone 7. Mohit has been a key part in developing iOS and Android platforms.
What I Learnt Along the Way
Be focused and organized.
Changing Days: Lessons Learnt
NO major change, knowledge was valuable then and its now as well.
However, in present world being advent of new challenges we as a
software professionals have more opportunities to work on and develop
better applications.
Trends to Watch Out For
Being working on mobile app development from past 5 years I am
seeing a major shift to held devices including smart phones and tablets.
This is a change both in consumer market as well as enterprise markets.
Resultantly various OEMs and mobile vendors are coming with new devices
as well as tools and SDKs to develop apps on the same.
My Advice If You are Starting Out
Looking to the market trends iOS and Android should be the first choice to target and develop  apps on.
Must Focus Areas For the Future
Again iOS and Android are the popular platforms to work on.
Books/ Websites I Recommend
Developer drives and forums of various mobile platforms are the best
source of getting the right know-how of various aspects for doing
development on mobile platforms.
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