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Advice Request
Mira Vikram Pawar
Mira Vikram Pawar

Mira Vikram Pawar

freelancer writer


Mira Vikram Pawar is a member of:

Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I come from an affulent Army background. My father joined the British-India Army in the year 1943 to avoid getting involved in his family business of farming in Bangla Desh (formarly known as East Pakistan). He married in the year 1948 and in 1949 I was born in the Military Hospital, Bangalore
Working Life Management:
I started working when I was 18 years old and since then there has been no looking back for me. Circumstances made me choose work as my first priority at an early age hence I got accustomed to managing work alongwith other facets of life. I am a workoholic and like to stay busy every waking minute.
Required Reading:
It is not esential that one reads a particular book or follow some websites and publication. In order to emerge as a successful writer, one must make reading a compulsory routine. Read anything, never follow a particular author or writer. Follow literary work of various writers/websites/publishers.
Role Model:
I think if I had a role model, my skill would have been curbed. I believe following someone else or try to be like someone else stops one from growing. The growth process should be natural which differs from person to person. Some attain success easily whereas some take all life to get there.
The Journey So Far:
I have come a long way, starting my career as a stenographer in the year 1968. All along my career, I continued to follow the learning process which helped me climb the ladder step by step. Enjoyed the pitfalls and failures with dignity alongside the success achieved. Respect every phase of life.
Career Profile:
My current role is of a freelance writer. I am my own boss-no deadlines, no running around to find stories. I have loads in my bag. Just have to put my hands into it whenever I need to. That doesn't mean I do not follow a routine. I work at least 2 hours a day unlike the 8 hours i used to do earlier
Other Thoughts:
I can share loads of information but as of now, with reference to writing, I would like to share with writers that it is not at all difficult to write. If you can feel joy, happiness, bitterness and pain, you just have to review the incident, ponder over it and put it down on papers and let it flow.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
I started working in the year 1968 and since then, I have seen a lot of changes in the working environment. During my time, work place was like another classroom but today it seems like a social get-together sharing views and ideas. All in all, it is so much fun now compared to the good old times.
Plans For The Future:
Ah...ha, I am 64 and couple of years from now, I see myself in the grave still looking and finding stories to write. Jokes apart, I would still be writing. May be I would have authored a couple of books by then. As of now I have only contributed to 'chicken soup' series and 'How the Phoenix Rose'.
Advice For New Professionals:
Today's generation is much more smarter and intelligent than my generation but what they lack is tolerance. If they can be a bit more tolerant, they will be able to overcome issues that stop them from achieving success. No one can acquire success overnight and without any effort.
Degrees That Matter:
Yes! Definitely, however intelligent we may be, every field and profession have certain norms to follow. By doing or going through the relevant course in the required field, it becomes easy to pave your way through and keep going rather than stumbling and falling because of ignorance.
The Decisions That Matter
During my time, the only profession that girls could pursue was teaching, secretarial or nursing. While working as a steno-typist I did secretarial course and got promoted as a secretary. I learnt travel agency work and became a travel agent. Did my journalism and turned into a writer and here I am.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
I am proud of every accomplishment that i have acquired as I have worked really hard toward achieving it. Having said that, I think my accomplishment as a writer is something that I will always be proud of. I completed my journalism while I was working full time and at an age when people retire.
Job Profile:
As I have mentioned earlier, I am my own boss now but the last job from 2005 to 2007 was as an Editorial Assistant with Xpress, a weekly tabloid which was part of a daily paper Gulf News in Dubai. I was with them from the inception of the paper. Had to leave my job to attend to some family problems.
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