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Advice Request
Meera Seshanna
Meera Seshanna

Meera Seshanna


Noble School of Buisness


Meera Seshanna is a member of:

- Expert
Education and teaching background
MBA in Finance. Teaching in the filed of financial management and strategic management for a long time.
Top 3 Things Companies should Know about our Students
Individual Strengths & Qualities
Performance as an Individual & in a Team
Academic Performance & Growth
Quality education
When we raise question on quality education, it merely does not indicate on just being taught what you need to score on a standardized test or does not point on the performance of the institute. It does not mean how facts are being taught, but how to determine those facts. Quality education involves the process to initiate critical thinking, learning to work with others and work independently among the students. At Noble, regular live projects, and exposure to team based activities enable the students identify challenges and innovate solutions to face them.
Motivate faculty to provide best education
Faculty are not just mere teachers they are the leaders who will lead the team. At NSB we believe in simulated learning which ultimately accounts for the quality and real life experience. To enforce this Faculty are hired not just from the teaching field but from the industry exposure as well.
Thought on a management student should also know to face in competitive corporate world
Management education is basically a license or an entry pass to the student to enter the corporate world. What holds good is the commitment they possess towards achieving their goals. They have to however keep themselves updated with the current affairs and the stay tuned with industry updates.
Future students and hiring companies
Every student have hidden potentials in them, the need is to identify those. Noble School of Business only enables the student is this drive. The appropriate training, guidance & skill development is provided in a customized manner based on each and every student’s need. A small batch size enables individual attention & sufficient exposure to build in them the required confidence. However, we have been successfully achieving 100% placements for our MBA Students with an average package of 3.5Lpa.
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