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Advice Request
Mayank Saigal
Mayank Saigal

Mayank Saigal



Initiative to develop a country
Educating the youth to know their competencies and strengths and right way of enhancing their competencies for the growth of the country.
My family background
My father has spent 26 years of his career in the Pharmaceutical and Education Industry and My mother has spent 22 years of her career as a Teacher.My younger sister is a Jewellery Designer with an export house.
My role model
An individual gets an opportunity to work under great leaders during his career span and i was lucky enough to work under great leaders but my Role Model is my Father who with his positive attitude and always leading from the front inspires me to keep on moving ahead with a positive bent of mind.
Important lesson learned
Although every stepping stone is a learning experience for every individual but the key most lessons learnt by me is as follows :
1. Have an ability to say NO
2. Work on your Strengths
3. Positive Attitude
4. Always Think You Can - Nothing is Impossible
Ensuring success
Enhancing my learning's and competencies for the opportunities arising based on my strengths.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Education System currently is undergoing a lot of transformation and the quality of the education can be improved to a large extent by way of collaboration with the large Corporates and Institutes.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
L - Likeable & Loyal
E- Enthusiastic , Elite & Energetic
A - Active & Authoritative
D - Dynamic
E - Efficient, Effective & Ethical
R - Response & Realistic
Degree that I recommend
My achievements
There has been tremendous contributions made by me at the organisations where i have worked so far in my career and out of that the one that stands out as the most proud achievement of mine is Cost optimization of Training as per the business needs requirement during my tenure with a large IT MNC.
My strongest skill
Positive Attitude
Detail Oriented
Entrepreneur Spirit
Couple of years from now
Although future is uncertain but still one cannot stop of pursuing one's dreams...I would like to see myself as Heading One of the large organisations and been involved in strategic initiatives.
Brief description about me
HR Professional with 6+ years of experience in Recruitment , Performance Management , Learning & Development , Organisation Development.
Also, An avid reader and blogger.
More about myself
Always be open to learn at every step as it helps you in reaching your goals faster.
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