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Advice Request
Mansoor Shaikh
Mansoor Shaikh

Mansoor Shaikh

Digital Marketing Manager Pvt Ltd

Blogs (1)

Mansoor Shaikh's Advice

Advice For New Professionals:

If you dont have interest in this field dont come in. You must always work in the field that suites you and your interest. You also should have never give up attitude towards work. You must remember success only come to those who go after them.
Done Differently:
I will start learning things with planning. Make sure to match my experience with my salary.
Career Profile:
I am currently working for a big project - My current responsibilities are creating strategy for whole internet marketing aspect to promote website generating quality traffic that converts into Conversions. I take all responsibility of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), SMO (Social Media Optimization)and PPC (Pay Par click).
Work and coordinate with each team member to get maximum output.

This profile is different and challenging from previous profile. As I get my hands on every aspect of Internet marketing here I was not getting in past.
Contribution to the field
I learnt PPC and Having very good Return on Investment (ROI).
I have completed Search Engine Marketing with Certificate.
I have learnt all negative and positive aspect of internet marketing.
Role Model:
I can say my mother is my role model. I proud to have mother who always care for us.
I have learnt a lot about life from her.
Family Background
It's kind of personal question to me. If you were ask this few years ago, I would have just skip the question but now I am going to tell you about it.

I come from really poor family lives in slum of Pune. In my childhood mMy mother works and My father as well. But father has so much drinking habit that led us to in that situation. But my mom knows if want to get our of this poor I have to study and get good qualification. Just because of my mothers right direction and believing me lead to this victory and Now I am here..
Required Reading:
I dont read books they bore me.
I am mad to create website and promote it to earn money.
I have few website up and running already.
Here they are:
Job Profile:
I am working as Digital Marketing Manager you can call it Internet Marketing as well.
My role is to make sure every team member work towards to get maximum traffic that convert into leads for every clients. I maintain, create, work, schedule all things towards project.
Professional Strengths:
I am hardworking and I never give on anything. I solve problems my self. I am not a quick learner but when I want to learn something I Learn all aspect carefully.
Advice For New Professionals:
If you dont have interest in this field dont come in. You must always work in the field that suites you and your interest. You also should have never give up attitude towards work. You must remember success only come to those who go after them.
Plans For The Future:
I see myself working for MNC company or Abroad. I also have plans to do my own business.
Degrees That Matter:
Currently I have Bcom but would be going to do MBA in Digital Marketing or in Marketing.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
I have learnt Internet Marketing with Own dedication and hardwork. Even not having web designing knowledge I can create and customize website myself.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
In my current company there is really nice people and colleagues. The Environment is friendly and free not having any restrictions. That make me work more and give me 100% in whatever I do.
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