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Advice Request
Mandar Shriram Bhalerao
Mandar Shriram Bhalerao

Mandar Shriram Bhalerao


Salemax Pty Ltd


Mandar Shriram Bhalerao is a member of:

Being different from other stream
I think every department plays vital role in developing and enhancing company profits.
The human resource department works as a business partner within the organisation.
From recruitment and selection, training and development, strategic HR, ensuring company culture is implemented and sustained. HR works as a consultant and mentors managers and staff in decision makings.
Current HR Trends:
The today's business are changing rapidly. Global economy, talent shortage,stress affecting staff at work place, competition. I think all of these are having a major impact on human resource.
Managing staff in a changing world is most important trend for human resources. Demand for continual innovation, lack of integrity, 24/7 work load, increase in technology, and economical factors.
This all has a Hugh impact on HR today therefore it has become very important for hr department to be full alert and innovative in their work.
Recommended Reading
Due to Internet access its so easy now a days to find good journals and arrivals of well known authors for the relevant subjects. Also performance management, leadership and dynamics, strategic hrm, hr management this are few books wich can give a good guidance.
Pain Points:
There is no easy way, or short cuts. It's same applies here, developing a program for the staff i.e. mentoring, training and development etc. is a biggest pain point of hr. the lack of engagement may affect in achieving desired goals.
Advice to upcoming professionals
I believe that hard work always pay you back. But one should also realise it should be a smart move as well. The 21st century has opened the doors to succeed globally. The new starters should keep mind that nothing is instant. It takes lot of commitment and confidence to survive in this competitive business world. The individual who has a long term vision, ability to fight the hurdles can achieve his goals. It's all about innovation and what's happening around. Always keep learning ensure you have a good mentor who can guide you. Create and maintain personal brand. One who take risks will get the results. If you fail atleast you will learn from that mistake.
I also believe work and life balance also says a vital role. If you are mentally stable it adds value to your work and success.
Qualities that we Look For While Hiring:
I think hiring plays very important role in every business. It also depends when one company has a substantial budget while hiring someone. I believe most of the organisations follow some what same principles when it comes to recruitment. It also depends on what values and beliefs the company culture follows. What's company vision and mission is. What are the goals they want to achieve from this position and what kind of person will fit this role.
We in our company are very careful before hiring a candidate. Qualities and expectations also varies as per the position we require. It is also true hiring is tricky business. One may fail if also their talent management has put in tremendous efforts in understanding the position or role.
It is very important to look few characteristics while hiring. Mainly his integrity, communication skills, how passionate he is for the role. Is he or she a good team player. Does he posses a creative mind an ability to resolve issues.
HR Challenges:
Implementation of a strategy is important element for company success. HR department can work to implement strategy. On other hand they should try to overcome the roadblocks within the organisation. I think "Implementation and Sustainability" of the strategy is very important. People many times do not focus on sustainability in their day to day work. If one can't sustain then they won't be able to achieve goals. The notion of Strategic HR plays important role. Honing in the strategy will definitely a challenging part. If business is to change the management should make sure they are driving the employees towards the change. Imperative changes is part of business and it success. This is where HR plays a true or vital role.
Recruiting new generation:
It really depends on what you want from the job or expecting from the particular position. Recruitment is the marketing of your organisation. The well you market you will get the results. Selection is the process where you hire a candidate who is well fit for that position.
Generation Y is more ambitious and passionate and sees himself moving forward or stepping ahead in the organisation. If an unique personality is well trained and given opportunities to explore he may succeed in career.
When it come to retention it depends upon the individual expectations. We as management are very carefully and ensure how our staff will be satisfied. Whether its monetary funds or rewards, will benefit that individual. This all aspects are studied and implemented accordingly.
Identifying and Promoting New Leaders:
Every individual posses different qualities in them. Some needs motivation, some people are self motivated.
Research says leader are born but on other side if given proper training and knowledge one can creat leadership qualities in him. But we also need to understand that person should posses leadership skills within him.
We also need to look after good verses bad leaders. Always look for his past performance. Identify whether he or she has been successful in motivating his team and define vision. Look for his acceptance to take a challenge and achievements. Look for his communication and listening skills.The one with poor listening skills cannot be a good leader. The person who has integrity, confidence and good problem solving skills can lead his team successfully. The one who can delegate and get work done on time. Leader must not discriminate and should treat every staff member respectfully.
Promotion is the appreciation given to the employee for his hard work and achievements.
HR Strategies In Place
It is very important that HR strategy is linked to the business strategy. We make sure that HR strategy is translated to identify better ways to attract and retain staff. We also ensure that our training and development or staff initiative program's are delivered successfully. Our recruitment strategy also plays a vital role.
Helping to develop the country
From my perspective India has grown at a rapid pace in different vertical viz, technology, financial, human resource, infrastructure, telecommunication, etc; in the last decade. The rate of the growth can be seen at par with certain developed nations.
Professionals can utilise their skills and knowledge in building enterprises in India there by making more stronger and independent economy. Professional with global exposure can contribute their experience for building a more solid and technologically sound business environment which can take India to the global standards.
Parting Thoughts
To be a successful professional in his life or Career one needs to be committed, self motivated and keep on learning,upgrade his skills and knowledge.
Remember hard work always pay you back.
My achievements
I still think I have to learn a lot. But I am very much thankful to each and everyone who have guided me, my mentors from whom I have learnt and achieved my goals and succeeded in my career.
Current job profile
My role varies and holds major responsibilities ensuring company goals are achieved.
Setting up company culture and maintaining company values and beliefs.
Overseeing company operations and our international office.
Make sure the overall execution of the organisation and strategic consultation.
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