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Advice Request
Mahesh N Iyengar
Mahesh N Iyengar

Mahesh N Iyengar

Consultant Lean six sigma

Cognizer Consultants

Ensuring success
I have a penchant of bonding with the best.
I continually keep abreast of the latest market trends, evaluate them - so as to foster futuristic innovations. And internet success - google, has been instrumental in getting me the best in terms of educational skills, ideas, solutions & people.
I strongly believe in the following in education...
A picture is worth a thousand words.
A video is worth a thousand pictures.
A person-to-person meet is worth a thousand videos.
But most important, is how people use any of these opportunities, to improve.
I am always innovating with providing better solutions to problems - albiet, within constraints imposed by the 5Ms - Man, Machine, Method, Material & Mother nature.
My achievements
Because, when I become proud of achievements, that are contributed by many (including myself), I lose justification of the claim & may be perceived as a selfish boaster - which I do not aim to become - God willing.
My strongest skill
1. Leveraging Lean six sigma to solve problems.
2. Innovations to better the existing improvements.
3. Justify whatever is beneficial
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Leader requires following of people one notch lower always.
But the leader should follow what the people want, to remain at the top.
A successful leader is one who is able to implement - All for one, one for all.
Degree that I recommend
I would recommend the following certifications for the uninitiated or professionals who want to improve in these times of global recession.



Refer FREE introduction module in at
Besides theory & exam, these ONLINE certifications have practical case studies of actual projects explained step by step. This helps the learner to become proficient on practical implementation of lean six sigma projects. Case studies build confidence in the learner on the best approach to solve problems Lean six sigma way. methodically - without erring & correcting like novices. Learners get initiated on the best approach proven by Lean six sigma experts who have excelled & this imparts the knowledge of doing things right the first time.
Refer excellent testimonials about certification done by unbiased overseas beginner at at free group "Lean six sigma for beginners
My role model
Jack Welch - the six sigma dictator at GE.
When he realised that Six Sigma is the best way more than a decade back, he mandated that every employee who is going to the top at GE should be six sigma literate. This passionate endeavour has ensured the success of six sigma at GE & hence GE's profitability & excellence.

Jack Welch has so far rewarded everyone who fulfils his contract with him.He is also known as Neutron Jack for ruthlessly pursuing his passion for implementing six sigma - so famous that he even fires people (literally) & leaves buildings intact.

Though I may not subscribe to it fully, because talented people also get shot, I happen to emulate him at times - firing people & not even leaving the buildings intact. I shall explain the instances later, when I become a successful leader.
Influenced by
There were far too many ....
All influencers have an axe to grind, when it comes to me.
0. The only person who did not have any axe to grind initially, & totally moulded me from an ugly duckling to a reasonably intelligent swan ...Mr .Saranagan of Mumbai
1. The first one was my college & professional colleague Mr.Sanjay Kothari from Malegaon who went on to Hong Kong, Japan, Australia, New York....& many citi's. Why? I understood later that he loved his brother very much.
2. One mentor who knew me completely - Mr. P.V.Raghunathan from Chennai. I delivered his goods so successfully at Hong Kong & Singapore, that it turned out that he had designs for me in personal life too. Unfortunately that proved to be my downfall & the world is still paying for it.
3. One mentor who is very competent & humane...Mr. Sathish Sheteye he had a talent to control many...He saved my life at Hong Kong when others left me mercilessly. Don't you think he should be rewarded the greatest...I definitely would.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
Yesteryears - the best.

Today - Some still nurture the best. The scholarly definitely excel. Many still require practical vocation-oriented education & skills development in tune with the current national needs. Even US president Barack Obama opines the same in US even though US education system is the best now. Better communication skills are needed for majority in India.

From a professional point of view, assess every individiual's strengths, weaknesses early during college education & orient them in line with nation's needs.
Important decision
Very simple - Remain happy always or at least attempt to be happy always.
Yet to make crucial decisions
Couple of years from now
At the top.
But constraints may temper or delay it.
More about myself
You may have heard of Chankya - the greatest scholarly king-maker Indian.
He was the earliest practitioner of six sigma.

Refer following links for the story.


facebook story at
Important lesson learned
Learn a long as you live & enjoy it!!!
My family background
That is private as long as I am not a big shot.
However, aptly put, it is "Vasudeva kudumbam" translated as "The world is my family"
Brief description about me
I am a Lean six sigma educator/trainer.


A man is known by the company he keeps.
I have been involved with best multi-national companies,that has enriched us.My excellence with quality started with me- the intent to improve whatever I do. My Lean six sigma excellence has been fortified by my interactions with Master Black Belts of Pfizer's Continuous improvement group internationally. My Lean six sigma foundation had been strengthened through Black belt certification at Cognizant, Coimbatore. through Break through Management Group India(BMGI). My introduction into six sigma was at Mumbai in India, at the most respected software organisation - Tata Consultancy Services, the best software organisation in terms of skills training, as well as human values.

Behind every successful man, is a woman is true.

I owe my success to the sacrifices made by my mentor Venkatesans of Mumbai.
Initiative to develop a country
Become professional entrepreneurs too!!!

Current focus is to get India out of RECESSION!!!
Any sane person can do a root cause analysis to find that, overpopulation & depleting resources & increasing demand from growing population is the root cause. Already Indian government has set one child in a family as a relevant solution in family planning. For doubters & cynics, see how China followed it successfully & has become an economic giant in Asia.
Let us as professionals help our government by implementing this. It may be too late, but, if not for our future generation, we can lead a happy life!!! Spread accross thi message - others may benefit from this & help them & Indian nation,
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