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Advice Request
Kunal Kumar Singh
Kunal Kumar Singh

Kunal Kumar Singh

Founder at Quipmate


Favorite subject
I am a Computer Science graduate. I like most of the subjects of this stream. But my strongest has been Data Structure and Algorithms.
My uniqueness
Its been around 10 months since I completed my engineering from MMMEC, Gorakhpur.During my study at college I developed and launched a social networking website from my dorm room.The website is live at .It has around 3,000 users currently and growing.I along with my friends named this website Quipmate.We coined this term ourselves.We worked around one and a half year on this website focusing mainly on coding, scaling the websites for handing the user growth and publicity of the website in and outside of the college. Website has tons of social feature the best of them are Crush Match,Song Dedication, Status Song and MissU. The website mainly features for college student.We launched this website on October 17, 2011. Since then it has been part of many publications in National newspaper. Hindustan Times called it "India's answer to Facebook".
I am very proud of my work on this website so far and it is the most remarkable thing I have achieved in my life.
Most flourishing college experience
My answer to this question is almost similar that of Q-2.
Most rewarding experience has been developing from scratch a social networking website(called Quipmate) and working on it with all the energy of the world. Mainly the innovations and creativity that I put in the website has been a real inspiration. I also learned the skill of working on a large scale software development. Quipmate is a vast project and we have already written over two lakhs lines of code for this website ranging in many languages and technologies.
Quipmate also provided the experience of working on an end to end software development which is an invaluable experience to have in college.
Time Management
It is important to focus on something that matters most in life. This can be different for different people. For me it has been my career and work so far. I always make sure that things that will give fruit in short term or long term are given higher priority. It is important to stick to long term in case of a conflict.
My mantra for time management has been "Stay Focused and do the important".
Challenges facing by students
I thing today in any engineering college in India,the biggest challenge the students face are lack of knowledge of market.The main inclination of students are getting a job in one of the best companies out there. And not only the family background of the students but also the college administration are equally responsible for it.Students from foreign universities like Harvard,Standford and others focus mainly on new idea and building their own start-up companies out of them.That is the reason tech giants likes Google, Facebook are coming from these universities and people from top institutes in India who have the same potential are at most able to get a job in these top companies.
Not only MBA colleges but even engineering College should focus more on entrepreneurship and building start-up environment.
It has been a real pain point for my team who worked so hard in college in such a start-up environment but had little exposure to the needs of real market.
Spare time activities
I enjoy problem solving, swimming and music.
Most proud accomplishment
I really feel proud of my work at Quipmate.
I thing taking this initiative at such an early stage in my life has made a real difference. Also it challenges the general perception that job is the only and best way after college. Hoping that initiatives like Quipmate will inspire many more students to take up big projects right from their dorm room. Only such projects can make India the land of innovation in future.
Career Expectations
My field of study is Computer Science.
It is famous saying that the only thing that is constant in software industry is change. And Internet is even more rapidly changing. In web 3.0, I assume most of media will shift from desktop to Internet. Already music and video tag in HTML5 are indications. Internet hosting will move completely to cloud(cloud severs, cloud files, cloud database). Internet is coming from PC/Mac to mobile phones. I thing mobile technologies will be ubiquitous. I see Hadoop and Hive in college syllabus as most as most of the big tech companies are switching to it. I see Big Data experience a significant skill to have.
Family Background
I come from a middle class background. My father is serving in Indian Air Force and mother is housewife. I have traveled from places to places along with my father(because of his transfers every 4-5 years) . I have completed my schooling in Kendriya Vidyalaya before joining MMMEC, Gorakhpur for B.Tech in Computer Science.
View s for better India
The best way a student(especially an engineering student) can contribute to the development of nation is by using technology to create a product which has a social value. Using technology one can create a significant impact on the way we live and operate in daily live. I also believe it is one of the best service one can offer to his/her nation.
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