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Advice Request
Kunal Chowdhury
Kunal Chowdhury

Kunal Chowdhury

Sr Software Engineer

Varian Medical System


Kunal Chowdhury is a member of:

Working Life Management:
I do planning of the day. I know how much time I will spend in my office (few days are exceptional). When I return back from my office, I spend few hours with my family, 1 hour for updating, 2 hours for my blog ( and learnings.
The Decisions That Matter
I love blogging, I love to share my technical knowledge to the community, I feel energetic when someone leaves comments in my article. This blogging stuffs helped me a lot to become popular in all my career path. Yes, it was a great decision of mine.
Role Model:
My parents are my role model who inspired me in every moment of my life. There are a huge community members too who provided me valuable suggestions and motivations. The list is long. So, my thanks to all of them.
Job Profile:
I am a Sr. Software Engineer (SE - III) in my current organization. I mainly work in the front end using Silverlight and WPF.
Degrees That Matter:
Microsoft Certifications are really very important in your career if you give it positively by learning and not by going with dumps. I really hate those dump papers as this gives you certification but no knowledge.
Growth Strategy:
I am inline with the latest technologies which I like most. I continuously try to become expertize in my chosen platform and share all my findings to the community. Blogging doesn't only shares knowledge but also helpful for future reference.
Advice For New Professionals:
Keep learning latest technologies that interests you; explore more on your free time; share the knowledge; help you, your organization and community grow in the same way.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
The MVP (Most Valuable Professional) award from both Microsoft, Telerik and Codeproject.
The Journey So Far:
It was very struggling time. I spent a huge time for my personal & professional career by proper planning. The help from the community and support from my parents is still now well appreciated through out my journey.
Plans For The Future:
I want to see myself more near to the community in future days.
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