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Advice Request
Kuldip Kaur
Kuldip Kaur

Kuldip Kaur

working as an Administrator and freelance softskills faculty

Principal, Vice Principal for any School/ Administrator/Soft Skills Faculty or trainer in any B-School or Corporate


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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I come from a nuclear business class family. My father a civil contractor , mother a home maker.3 sisters out of which one is unmarried.My eldest and younger sisters are happily married. Two of my sisters are teachers in DVA and DPS. My brother is a CA.
I am married to a businessman too.
The Decisions That Matter
I am basically an academician. I have enjoyed teaching and training students be it school, college or job hunters.Hence the most important career decisions made by me are to be a successful teacher, institutional head and a soft skills trainer.
Plans For The Future:
In a couple of years to come I will like to have a Soft Skills Training center of my own. Along with this I will also want to open nursery school.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
A lot of change has come.I have seen superior have more respect for me, subordinates and trainees have become more professional.Now they respect time,are more organised and able to manage time better.They believe in doing the work better than just completing the task. They look more confident& happy
Growth Strategy:
Respect and recognize their good work. Appreciate every effort made by them to do better work. Patiently listening to their problems and discussing with them forpossible solutions than just providing them ready made solution I think make them feel they are important hence beloyal to the organization
Job Profile:
Delivering school plans, supervision and recruitment, promoting good interpersonal relationship between diff staffs, to create effective management structure for all staff, to chair diff committees, to arrange staff training, to apply and enforce all personnel
SSkills: Business Communication, Managerial Communication, Presentation skills, Interpersonal Skills, Group Discussion & Personal Interview
Career Profile:
Earlier: responsible for academics only now both academics and administrative.Now managing students,human,material resources and finance.
SSkills: Now apart from grooming students making them placement ready I give course on business communication,design n deliver modules on corporate training
Degrees That Matter:
I have done Masters in humanities, Bachelor in Education from Regional College of Education(NCERT)
Training/ Courses attended
• Training on “Operation of Language Lab” IBS, Pune, 2009
• Training on “Train the Trainer” module under the Infosys Affirmative Action Program – “PROJECT GENESIS”, Bhubanes
The Journey So Far:
I don’t believe in compromises, I don't hesitate to volunteer help to my superior, colleague & subordinates at professional front.
My students of Bschool are well placed & corporates love to have me as a trainer over n again. Bschool want me back for the modules I teach. This is a great achievement
Working Life Management:
Planning and executing the plan in an organized way helps me to complete work successfully in time.Professional attitude,focused at work place, maintaining good interpersonal relationship is the secrete.Before leaving office I plan for the next days work keeping an eye on every detail.
Other Thoughts:
Designed & Delivered Training Modules
Designed and delivered a Training Module on “Corporate Etiquette” for OTPC, Odisha February 2011
Conducted an orientation programme on “Study Smarter not Harder” for fresher’s at Krupajal Business School, Bhubaneswar under the able guidance of Fr. E. H. McGrath
Role Model:
Fr. E. H. McGrath, S.J, Ex. Director and Professor at XLRI, Jamshedpur.Even at the age of 87+ he is very agile in mind.Still lives a disciplined & organised life.Each of his day's work is perfectly plan,he is still very particular about time.I remember he never enters the class if he is not prepared
Required Reading:
I love to read HR books, read citeman_newsletter, siliconindia daily dose,,,,, and many more.keep yourself abreast of whats happening n be open to learning.
Advice For New Professionals:
Knowledge, right attitude, focused goals and enthusiastic approach to what ever you do will always make your path clear and easier to success.You are what you think n what you do. Hence enjoy doing what ever you have chosen or decided to take up as your career. Never underestimate your potentials.
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