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Advice Request
Koshy Ampat Varghese
Koshy Ampat Varghese

Koshy Ampat Varghese

Assistant Professor

University of Jazan

My Advice
It's an international world so I suggest taking degrees from the best educational places as it counts a lot. If from India, US or UK the best places, for instance.
Unique way of teaching
Teaching should be minimized to the point where it is all group learning and students are mostly using the teacher only where needed and for evaluation finalization.
About Me
I'm a hard core writer of five books, but have always been in teaching. I have a doctorate in English language and literature and years of teaching experience in an international school in India plus in college too in Kerala and Bangalore and in universities in Libya and Saudi. I have a son who has autism and this makes me work in that field too.
My inspiring personality
It's difficult to pick one but my role models include Jesus and Buddha. And Samuel Beckett as a writer.
Family Background
I come from a simple middle class background. My dad was in administration and my mom was a housewife, but also a writer. She inspired me to become a writer. I have two brothers and one sister and two are writers, my sister and eldest brother. My family now consists of my wife and three children,two daughters and one son.
Favorite Non-Academic books
I read poetry, short stories and novels and it has lots of impact on me. Classics teach me and what my friends write entertains me.
Way to motivate Students
I try to be a role model and a living example.
Most Challenges facing by students
Fear of the future, unemployment and under-performance.
Strongest Subject
English literature - always had a love for it. Excel at it. A flair and inner motivation led me to love it I guess.
Most Rewarding Moment
Every day is good. Whenever a student says you were a great teacher, meaning it, that is my most rewarding teaching day. I often have such experiences. Bad experiences are good too, like a student saying you should have graded us down, not been so generous so we would do better at the final exam. We learn as much as we teach from our students.
Future of Indian Education System
Blended learning where half the learning is online or by digital means and only half through contact time is the major change I expect. I also expect more and more of a vociferous demand from students to make education real meaning make it have direct application to the job and earnings scenario plus to becoming leaders, vibing well in a team etc
Important Lesson
Yes. I have learned to keep going, not give up, not give in, not commit suicide, keep trying, keep hoping, aspiring, and become a high achiever etc.
Outlook about way to raise quality education
Opening up to foreign universities. Exchange programmes. Expanding its disciplines, and getting ratings on international vectors as to excellence and quality, especially regarding vocational education in new disciplines. Making education inclusive for differently abled people.
Outlook about increase students’ participation
Students are highly motivated to build the nation and would too if they were adequately recompensed. I would introduce a working for upliftment but along with wages system for them. No discrimination should be practised to students or among them on the basis of caste etc by those who encourage them to work for the nation.
My priorities
Writing, work, family, health - my priorities run that way - first my passion, then money for my loved ones, then time for them and finally for health as the most important factor - this may change as I grow older to health, love, family, writing,work - any day now.
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