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Advice Request
Kingshuk Thokdar
Kingshuk Thokdar

Kingshuk Thokdar

Sr.Executive Sales Service

Trisita Marketing Pvt. Ltd

Influenced by
My mother. She helped me a lot in all my problems.
My family background
Married with Suparna in the year 1998. Have two sons, aritra & aditya.My wife is housewife. She is BA Hons in Bengali. Aritra is in class ix & aditya is in class v.
Degree that I recommend
MBA from SMU
My role model
Swami Vevakananda, a person with bold personality & self confidence
Thoughts on Education system of our country
There should a unique slyabus for all . Only then the actual merit will come into consideration.
My achievements
I have few satisdfied customers who really have full faith on me and I work with them as a well advisor.
Important lesson learned
All customers are valuable.If you ignore once they will never forgive you.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Have to be a good person with self confidence and faithfullness towards the organisation.
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