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Advice Request
Kashif Raza
Kashif Raza

Kashif Raza


Stanley Black and Decker


Kashif Raza is a member of:

Marketing gives you the independence to explore and experiment.
Silicon Daily Dose.
What can be achieved
Marketing person is limitless, provided he/she is wise to take the right decision at the right time.
Recommended Courses and Certification
M.B.A in Marketing would be nice.
Marketing is driving strategies to support sales growth and Selling is to sell flawlessly.
Importance of STP
If you do not Segment, target or position you are wasting your time and your money.
There is only one rule, you either give them a reason to buy what you are selling or they give you a reason not to buy what you are selling. Its simple you have to be involved like a team and feel like everyone else.
Importance of On line marketing
Today the world is on the internet and computers, if you do not do online marketing you are in the past century as Online Marketing is the best source of Visibility to the consumers.
Future trend
There are many, and it has to evolve as everyday is a new day with new challenges, so one can't rely on one specific direction it has to be diversified.
Brief yourself
I am from a middle class family with 6 siblings and I work with Stanley Black and Decker as the area manager North India.
Role in an organization
My role is to increase the volume of the sales by driving new strategies.
Motivating Factor
Independence to work and take decisions.
Positioning the product
Top of the line.
Future prospect
I would move up to being a VP and then retire.
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