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Kailash Kj
Kailash Kj

Kailash Kj

Sales Operations Analyst

SAP India Private Limited


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Marketing can be called as Veins of any business they connect to each and every department of the organization. In the present competative business stratergies it becomes very important for each and every organization to promote themselves in the market through different ways of marketing modules.
Importance of STP
All the Three aspects no it can be defined as elements are very important to position a product, being in an IT organization it becomes very important to segment your list of prospects basis their size and scale, so that you can build the structure of sales accordingly.
It is very important to analyze customer goals, needs, and business issues to place an IT product and design the structure in such way that customer life is made simpler through SaaS (Software as a Service).
Importance of Marketing
Well i am not a marketing person, I work for Business Operations Team my main activities are involved in Customer Relationship Management (CRM), Pipeline management, Segmentation, Sales Forecasting. price quotation approvals.
Future prospect
Well!!! whenever this question is asked to an Graduate student the only answer which they tend to give is.. I would like to be an decision make or I want to see myself as a manager.

But when it comes to me I never thought of these things, I always wanted to be a person who can influence people.
Marketing is front end when compared to any other streams, through marketing the main thing which you do is to promote yourself by showing the best which you have, marketing is all about showing the best you have even though its worst when compared to other this is one of difficult things to do at front end. You really need very challenging and determined and self motivated professionals to do such kind of things.
What can be achieved
In the Corporate world to be very simple on this topic it is only limited to marketing, bcoz individual role is defined only to certain extent and he cannot go beyond that.
Motivating Factor
Attitude of the people has always been a motivating factor for me throught the life, it might seem a bit weird when you think how can a person attitude motivate in the corporate world.

Yes it will, in and out you interact with so many people, each and every person has his individual style of working, way of taking challenges and difficulties of work in a positive manner, this key factor influences me a lot which makes me feel more stronger and it helps to deliver the best of my knowledge and skills.
I would recommend people to read "ShivKhera - You Can Win" book for marketing professional this will really help them to motivate themselves.
Importance of sales
Sales is heart of an organization, like how the heart pumps the blood the same way sales
pumps in the money to organization which inturn helps to do more R&D to develop and innovate new products.

Myselft being in an IT sales Organization It is really very important for an organization to concentrate on their sales stratergies, discounting procedures, customer approach, after sales services.

Sales doesn't end just after selling the product to prospects it is a cycle, it's a continued process of identifying opportunities to sell more for same customer by identifiying his business needs and growth plans/business expansion plans, all these are possible only when you market yourself and maintain a good relationship.
Role in an organization
My role starts right from the prospect creation to Sales closure. I am responsible for creating the new prospects in systems, project the Pipe to country heads(Sales Forecasting), support the Sales team with their business case queries, Approving of Sales quotation.
Growth Prospect in marketing
It all depends on individuals when it comes to marketing.. The only way possible to climd the ladder of success for any marketing professional in a short period of time is presenting themselves with the good knowledge of marketing skill and product knowledge of what they are marketing
Brief yourself
I am an MBA Graduate from MS University, I'am Bangalorean, I started my career with Symphony Services then moved to Oracle India Private Limited and now I am working with SAP India Private Limited. I have overall 4+ years of experience.
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