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Advice Request
John Smith
John Smith

John Smith


Dolphin Data Lab.Limited

My advice
Be wise to select the right data recovery tools and suppliers, software upgrade, technique support, functions and prices and resources are important to start a successful data recovery business.
Books recommended
Data recovery books written by Ann LeFlore:
Company and job profile
Our company is one data recovery technology-based company and about 90% of our staffs are engineers and we research, develop new data recovery tools and technologies.

I take care of part of the developing and support job.
My strongest Skill
HDD Repair, Data Recovery, PCB Repair
Being different
With over 10 years' experience in data recovery using all hdd repair and data recovery tools, the major tools used are the Dolphin data recovery tools.
Challenges faced in job
SSD data recovery is very time-consuming and difficult, ssd recovery can demoniate the future data recovery market.
Current Trends
The storage types and technologies will be changed soon.
My role model
Our boss Master Gu who is also the CTO who is very creative and has a lot of talents in data recovery and he teaches a lot new stuff to all in the Dolphin Data Lab.
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