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Advice Request
Jawahar B Lalla
Jawahar B Lalla

Jawahar B Lalla


Self Service Products Consulting Company India

My strongest skill
Strategic Thinker: Proven ability of developing insightful strategies, capitalizing on capabilities and converting potential into opportunities. Always thinks out of box
Change Agent: Utilizing result-driven approach and growth-centered mind-set to drive positive change in the organizational culture; believes in leading by example.
Persuasive Communicator: Effective articulation ability; can achieve clarity and persuasively secures buy-in and commitment.
Degree that I recommend
I look forward doing some executive management programme on innovation management , social marketing management and executive management programme from leading management institutes
Couple of years from now
Couple of years from now, I would like to see my self as an important part of IT Industry, An efficient consulting and mentoring professional who will be more competent in new skills, more knowledgeable, Well talented, experienced person and whom a IT Industry would not want to lose at any cost.
Important decision
The human life tends to follow a timeline in which many of us make certain key decisions within approximately the same periods. But even so, life remains a mysterious journey, and we are each challenged to seek our own answers and make the unique choices that are healthiest for us
The most Important Decisions that I have made in my life so far are as follows
1"Life will never provide Warranties and Guarantees, It can only provide Possibilities and Opportunities and it's up to us to convert them into Success."
2 Get as much information as you can about the situation.
3 Strictly follow the principle of 5 VW`s: Who, what, where, when, and why?
4 Identify and create options.
5 Trust yourself, have confidence, and make your decision.
My achievements
1 Achievement-driven and High Performance senior Management Executive; with outstanding qualifications in all phases of Sales & Business Development.
2 Over 29 years of rich and vast experience in Sales & Business Development.
3 Was the first person responsible for selling the first 200 ATM machines to leading Pvt Bank in India.
4 Sold 7000 units Self Service kiosks, 3000 ATM's,& couple of biometrics, RF-ID Solutions.
5 Was part of the one of the largest kiosk order within our company wherein I& my core team Conceptualize, developed, deployed, installed, implemented and maintain one of the successful transaction kiosks in the country
6 Handle and covered all market industry verticals viz BFSI, Government, Manufacturing, Retail, Transportation, Hospitality & Corporate. ]
7 Drive the sales team and own the complete business as a Business Leader and manage the business end to end ensured bottom line targets are met.
Important lesson learned
1) Always be honest and passionate at what you do.

2) Pay full attention to the task at hand.

3) Plan ahead.

4) In the course of completing a task, alternate parallel plan to be kept ready

5) Make do with what you have available with you

6) Learn the simple way of doing things

7) Look around you and see the magic/beauty in nature. Enjoy the nature

8) Read, read, read. Never stop learning in your life

9) Be business ethical,responsible and respectful in all things.
10Treat others with dignity and respect.
11 Don’t blame others and keep complaining
12 Look at the positive things others do. Not their negative
Influenced by
In our every day life we meet so many people having different attitude, qualities and so many such things which mark on our mind and somewhere we get inspired with such things.

My mistakes and my failures are also inspired me a lot. They encourage me to move in life and help me in getting success.

I am self inspired but my parents and my earlier company's Boss Mr R.D Grover and Mr Ramadorai were the reason for inspiration and success. They gave me such a good environment and mentor ship they gave me from time to time which took me on the path of success
Thoughts on Education system of our country
India is the developing country. I feel we should have world class education system in place wherein the world should look at us and follow our education systems in their country. There is too much theoretical subjects in our education systems this should parallelly be complimented by practicals and hand on training
Efforts to expand enrolment must be accompanied by policies to enhance educational quality at all levels, in formal and in non-formal settings. We have to work on an 'access to success' continuum by promoting policies to ensure that excluded children get into school coupled with programmes and practices that ensure they succeed there. there must be easy process involving addressing and responding to the diverse needs of students
My family background
I am from the middle class Bhatia Family. My Grand father from my father side was professor in ST Xavier s College in British Rule. My Grand father from my mother side was doctor with Indian Railways in British Rule. My father was the senior management personnel with leading textile mills in Mumbai. My wife is working as senior management executive in leading nationalized bank of India
Brief description about me
I have been in IT solution industry selling self service kiosks Atms, Po's ,digital Signage’s & Payment Systems business for last 24 Plus years. My total hardcore sales/ business development experience is around 29 Plus years. I have also provided IT Consulting to some key customers. I have also handled IT large consulting and managed services business
I have been instrumental in setting up complete self service product line; IT managed services business and strategic alliances with OEMs & Partners right from the start up phase and nurturing it to leadership position.
I have managed to earn a flourishing track record that positively impacted the interest of shareholders, customers, brand, and employees as well. Moreover, I have vast experience in the creation, development, and execution of new innovative IT product solutions and initiatives that led to outstanding results throughout my career history.
My role model
I am inspired not by one but by many persons.

By Mother Teresa for her Kindness, by MR Nary an Murthy for his dynamic business lead, by Vivekananda for his confidence, by Mr R.D Grover for setting and establishing 1000 Cr IT Company from Scratch, by Mr Steve Jobs of his innovation and coming out with new products etc
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Having a great idea, and assembling a team to bring that concept to life is the first step in creating a successful business venture.Here are some key qualities I feel that every good leader should possess.
1 Honesty.
2 Ability to Delegate.
3 Clear and faster Communication.
4 Good Sense of Humor.
5 Confidence.
6 Commitment.
7 Positive Attitude.
8 Innovative and creative.
9 Visionary
10 Ability to Inspire & Mentor his team
11 Business Ethical
Initiative to develop a country
Due to its huge market, comparative cost effectiveness and IT capabilities, India has captured the interest of international companies as an investment destination, we should brand India and get foreign companies to invest in India. Help Government to build good infrastructure like Roads. Real Expressways, Highways and Interstate connections.Train our local people and develop People Incredible Civic Sense and protect our heritage and other surrounding infrastructures provided by government.Lastly help government to build Easily Accessible Public Toilets Everywhere!for the convenience of public
Ensuring success
Below are some of the major responsibilities i am continuing to develop and continue to improve upon them.
1 Set and achieve goals.
2Innovate and develop markets.
3 Solve problems and make decisions.
4 Set and follow my set priorities.
5 Perform and get desired results
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