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Advice Request
Javed Nehal
Javed Nehal

Javed Nehal


Fas Infosys

The Decisions That Matter
FAS INFOSYS established with a vision to serve the IT industry by providing solutions to technical challenges.With experience in the computer field for the past 10 years aimed at providing top of the line data and content Security solutions for SME and large enterprises.
Degrees That Matter:
Depending on the degree and certification you choose to obtain, there are many ... suitable for any future plans you have in mind related to your career choices.
The Journey So Far:
“I was the youngest in the company and was working really hard. Believe in one quote that Work is worship & Believing that I started my own company FAS INFOSYS, My philosophy is to sell quality products to our customers and provide them with prompt & quality after Sales support. We have our own team of experienced & qualified engineers for total after sales support.
Professional Strengths:
A team of trained and professionally managed group of 10-years expertise in IT- security based on innovative and cutting-edge technologically advanced product train and expert service across India aims to ensure the protection of systems against computer viruses and monitoring of all possible ways to check and control against any kind of system break-down once forever.
Career Profile:
Now I am offering my self more responsible for everything in my company, We trying to satisfy our valued customers by supplying them the latest and the best products at affordable Prices. Quality is our forte, which helps us in getting a winning-edge over our competitors.
Growth Strategy:
Try to be a role model for the team members. Practising high ethical standards. Be sincere and honest.Remain dedicated to work. Demostrate best practices for colleagues to followRegularly encourage the employees to deliver their best. ask them to believe in their abilities
Prized Accomplishment(s):
I'm proud of each and every member of this Company. ... Our Work development , and they should be proud of this accomplishment.
Involvement in the Industry
Yes , I have been Service Manager leading so many responsibilities & contribution around each & every activities.
Other Thoughts:
Quality is our forte, which helps us in getting a winning-edge over our competitors. Moreover, FAS and its team ensure timely delivery of competitive and cost-effective solutions and services. Our team is committed to achieve clients’ satisfaction by reviewing the performance of the products that it supplies.
Role Model:
My mother is my role model !
Required Reading: / /
Advice For New Professionals:
Listen more than you talk & Don't segregate yourself with people in your age group
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Taking time to reflect on how you have changed and developed as a result is an important aspect of learning through the working environment. ... This is the basis of your future professional network, and can also help with references. ...Twitter / Google /Facebook
Plans For The Future:
Well, it's difficult to predict about future but surely I would like to see company in reputed position in a prestigious IT SECTOR ,So many changes has been going on.. After my service Life Now I am feeling more responsibility to lead my project.
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