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Jattin Singh
Jattin Singh

Jattin Singh

SELF TAUGHT VERSATILE fashion photo...

jattin singh photography

Ensuring success
I am always learning from my mistakes , I learn daily from my work, I started from zero n gained knowledge of my own , n also do workshops to teach people how to do photography, I started from when I knew nothing n daily when I did work I learnt a lot n being passionate about photography I gained knowledge and did photography in every field and became one of the tops in Delhi, growingly moving to now films shoot n international campaigns , very recently did film publicity shoot for a movie " TO BE OR NOT TO BE " STARCAST : RAHUL ROY Now moving to states for further international campaigns .....
Important lesson learned
i have learnt that you should be confident what you do , no matter what ups n downs u face in life >
if u are confident enough to do hardwork n dedication almighty god will give u ways to make ur name ...
i learnt that being responsible n being faithfull is the most important factor as a photographer n businessman , u should always have ur client faith in u , n u should be honest with ur work , that makes u different from others n u achieve good in life ....>>> being genuine as a person n in business helps u shine , so be honest n genuine
My achievements
When i won ibibo i fashion photographer season 2 2009
When i was called by all India photography & trade industry association for their workshop in Mumbai & Delhi 2010-11
When i was awarded by Olympus a pen camera worth 30,000
When i was awarded by tamron a lense worth 32,000
My role model
As a role model Mr. Amitabh Bachhan, Steven speilberg, Nicolas Cage & my Father mother inspires me a lot due to their dedication & Genuine Efforts in their work and life
Influenced by
All the people who achieve so good after struggle there are many actually i think every person
Thoughts on Education system of our country
I think as per education system is concerned , there is too much pressure on kids , it should be according to the interest of the kid to get education further, after 8th necessity for sex education n relationship management should be there , n photography should be a part of education coz now its a part of our daily life , kids after 8th standard should be aware about the professional work variations so that they can later choose the area of their interest
Degree that I recommend
There are: MFA( Master in Fina Arts ) Diploma in Photography but in this photography field more practical knowledge is must rather than degree, but yes by learning from a good organization will help you work faster for your career, But you should have a hunger for a good image not just money, a passion of photography can change ur life
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Confidence, Honesty, Hard Work, Sedication, Fast at work, Quick Decision, Cheerful personality, These are the qualities a person should have
More about myself
I would like to give message to newcomer photographers and models as well: I want the photgraphers to understand making portfolio is not just clicking some good pictures its about the career of the Model/Actor so don't play with it, be responsible see that these moderls come alone for the shoot with their parents faith and money involved, so kindly be professional take care of the new comers as if they are small Babies, don't exploit them or misguide them

Now for Model: I request new comers and Models, not to go to a photographes just by seeing his pictures also see what equipment lenses and what kind of person he/see is... and alsays go to a photographer who has minimum of 3 yeras experience
Brief description about me
I am a self taught photographer , started photography by picking up a camera Nikon fm 10 in 2003, didn't knew anything about photography, two friends of mine due to some stucked up situation on hiring photographer for shoot in Amritsar , gave me suggestion to do photography of my own , they were barinder, nishant & vikas khanna ( master chef judge )...
That was the day which gave me a spark that i should do photography n started after few years without any knowledge, spoke to many photographers for being asstnt. but was refused , so one day i started of my own , Rony kaula a famous photographer guided me to choose the camera brand , that started my journey as a photographer, i started my own studio in 2005 then in 2009 i won ibibo i fashion photographer title by, that added a big thing in my career then was no looking back , i did clicked more than 1,50,000 faces in 10 years with good big brands too, my website :
Important decision
Whenever i bought a new camera that were the most important decisions & makeup concern
My family background
I Belong to a shikh family, got 2 sisters, 2 daughters
My whole family has a different field of work
I am the only one different creature in my family in this field, jokes apart he he
My parents supported me always, my Father: Sr. Rajeet shing & Gurmeet Kaur
Initiative to develop a country
This is an important question , as i said earlier that i am going to USA to work in the field of photography becoz i want to become so big photographer that every new photographer says that i wana be like him , n this thought one day will take Indian photography level on to international standard, n will make India proud , but ya govt. should support photography field n photography should be the part of education
Couple of years from now
In couple of years i see my self clicking Hollywood stars and International Campaigns
My strongest skill
My 6th Sense, my attitude, my smile, my Hard work, my confidence, my vocal strength, my talent in photography
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