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Advice Request
Himanshu Agarwal
Himanshu Agarwal

Himanshu Agarwal


Simple Infosystems Pvt. Ltd


Himanshu Agarwal is a member of:

Brief description about me
Hi I am Himanshu Agarwal, professional with 2 years and 7 month of IT experience in Java Technology, Relational database and Application Design which includes Requirement gathering, Development, Maintenance, Testing and Documentation.
• Programming experience in Java Technologies using Struts 2.0, Hibernate.
• Hands on experience in writing basic SQL quires in Oracle and MS SQL server with Good understanding of Database in Oracle, SQL Server.
• Experience in handling real time ERP Application in the domain of Cold storage Industry.
• Proven experiences in providing Technical support to software application in production support 24x7 environments.
• Familiarity with Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and worked in all stages.
• Value process oriented work, with an eye towards details and deadlines.
• Realize the significance of being a team player & having excellent interpersonal skills.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
I really don't like it. I want to do a lot in it.
1>Reducing presser of learning
2>Teaching more thing using games and tries to generate practical knowledge
3>Try to generate there inherited skills
4>Give the student proper free environment where they develop in free environment and develop as they want
What kind of essential qualities does a person require to became a successful leader?
Good motivator
Risk taker
Good knowledgeable
Good manager
Good speaker
Good listener
Self confident
Self motivator
Influenced by
Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam and every Indian know why
My role model
Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam, he is a real Indian, he know where we is a chance of development. They dont wast time in elders, they spend time with child and work for better india. He is the first who open the gate of Rastpati bhavan to all...
I dont think when I use his name so I need to say why. Every body know and respect him.
Important lesson learned
Try and fails but never fails for try
More about myself
How much time a person is fails in there attempt, So you can know about its experience and how deep he see a life.

2 If you want to know a realty of a person so there is a theory of negativity.
in this theory u dont feel negative. You just say opposite of truth if person favor you so u can understand his heart and if he appose you and fight for truth so its a real person
My strongest skill
Good speaker
Good motivator
problem solving ability
and know how to deal failure
My family background
My family is a nuclear family, we live in Aligarh in U.P. my father is a principal whatever he save after bread and butter serve for helping others, He is a nice personality, And having good knowledge of Ayurveda, and serve their knowledge for mankind. My mom is a teacher; she is very kind lady and helps my father in noble cause. I am having 1 sibling her name is Himani, She is now married, and she is having great understanding of others problem. And last but not least my Grand ma hart of family.
If you want to know more about me please see my website
Initiative to develop a country
To help other to run business by using their skills, Give motivation and guidance to pore people and develop entrepreneurship in India. Increase or per capital income is help India to grow faster.
Entrepreneurship is the thing which makes this nation on fast track and generates more jobs.
We just give guidance and little amount of motivation and see the magic.
Ensuring success
If I start 1 company so 1 just able to run 1 empire but I help and motivate other as much I can do and be a part of many business and try to run many organization.
And doing job increases my skills and after a definite time I think what I achieve and how we increase our speed to grow.
Couple of years from now
I am here in the same place with my brother and sister and we all try to develop our nation. Here my brother and sister are my counter people and we work together till we don’t make this nation best place to live. I don’t say we will not growing, I mean to say whatever we do, do together and serve this place a best place to lively hood. May be we are very far from 1 develop nation but still we are the best and people of every part of world want to spend time and try to understand our life.
The world sees us as a pride of the Universe and asks to lead this world.
They try to learn How to live life to us and adopt our culter.
My achievements
Nothing i live a very normal life. Might be other people see many achievement in my life but according to me its nothing. If i believe its a achievement so i reduce hard work and may cause failure in many other thing what i have to achived
Degree that I recommend in computers and MBA in finance
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