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Advice Request
Harish Rawat
Harish Rawat

Harish Rawat

Assistant Manager (Life Science and ...


Thoughts on India education system
The Indian education system is focused only on examinations rather than training students for the future and really testing their knowledge. Because of this, students are forced to take tests that show only their retention powers, not their actual capacity or knowledge. So engineers today cannot do actual work in technology and doctors do not go to people who need their services.

1) Less Practical training : In our education system we have more theoretical knowledge and less practical knowledge. We have practical session in our institution but we are taking practical knowledge as secondary things.
2) Capitalization of education: Now a days its very easy to get any professional degree under self sponsor seats and NRI sponsor seats.
3) Low Quality of education.
4) Corruption


1) More Practical Training in institution. We focus on practical training rather then theoretical.
2) Centralized entrance exam
3) Control of fees in private institution and government sho
Qualities looked during recruiting people
The Associate should have following qualities:
2)Creativity and Risk-Taking
5Good Communication
My advice to upcoming leaders
1) Be Smart not a hard worker
2) Respect yourself and others and your job profile
3) Good Listener
4) Techno friendly
5) Enthusiastic
6) Balance between Mind and Body
7) Keep Smiling
8) Learning and Sharing
9) Balance between personal Life and Professional Life
10) Good Interpersonal relationship
Recruitment Approches
This is very important to hire right candidate, right job in right place.
There are so many ways:
1) Create accurate job descriptions with preferred location.
2) Draft the ad, describing the position and choose the right third party vendor (Recruitment portal)
3) Review the resumes you receive and identify your best candidates.
4) Select candidates by phone.
5) Select candidates for assessment and face to face.
Current Job Profile
I have more than 8 year experince in Clinical Research Field.
I work as Middel Manager in one of the MNC.
Role and Responsibility:
1)Team Management
2)Handling Client and Project query
3)Effort Estimation
4)To Conduct Training and Evaluation of New team members.
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