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Advice Request
Harish Gunwant
Harish Gunwant

Harish Gunwant

electronic media

India TV

My family background
I have my parents, we are 3 brother & 2 sisters, all are married, I have my wife & 2 cute kids one is my daughter & one is Son.
Degree that I recommend
at present I have only graduation degree.
Initiative to develop a country
Professionals should to full fill their duty with honesty. without any kind of scam.
Ensuring success
I am doing my duty with honesty, and trying to learn more & more from my seniors.
Important decision
The important decision was to join Electronic media.
Couple of years from now
I think I shall get my goal in a couple of years from now.
Important lesson learned
I would like to share that should not loose you courage, in any condition, if you will not loose it you will get success for sure once.
Influenced by
my parents, they learned me how to be success in life, don't see negativity, try to find always positivity. be optimist.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
I think education system should be easier to everybody, fee should be less in private schools. measures to be taken into consideration are its morality and scientific structure.
Brief description about me
Name - Harish Chandra Gunwant
Father's name - Sri U.D.Gunwant
Qualification - Graduate from University of Delhi
Address - A-24, Old Kondli, Delhi
Parmanent Address - Village & Post Simrar
Distt. Nainital (Uttarakhand)
Institution - India TV
Designation - Asstt. Producer
Duration - from 1st Jan.2005 to till date
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Decision taken quality at the time of need. should not depend on others.
More about myself
for the time being its ok.
My achievements
I am doing well but still nothing I get so grate in which I can proud.
My strongest skill
Online editing, work on pressure.
My role model
Role Model is Sourav Ganguly who inspire me by his ambitions, his fight for all negative situations and than star come back.
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