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Advice Request
Haricharan Mylaraiah
Haricharan Mylaraiah

Haricharan Mylaraiah



Haricharan Mylaraiah is a member of:

My Company
Ideas Software & Consulting is now a Saxon Global ( Company. Saxon is US head quartered organization with offshore delivery centre at Bangalore. At Saxon our focus is on Data and Analytics. We use big data technologies and BI tools to help customers derive insights from their enterprise data pool. Our proprietary framework AIRAVAT provides jump start for organizations desiring to fulfil their Data Analytics needs. Ideas Software & Consulting was founded in 2005 by myfriendSudhir R Patavardhan andrest of us joined the hands in building it. It was acquired by Saxon in November 2012.
My way to connecting the right dots
As Steve jobs wisely observed that you can connect the dots only backwards and not forwards no leader can make a claim to have connected the right dots consciously. As a leader you only transform the situation from uncertainty to certainty. From my perspective it is about single minded focus, ability to network and surrounding yourselves with the right people.
My way of motivating troops
It would be arrogance to call it as my unique way of motivating troops. But, what I try to do is paint larger picture and vision of organization to my colleagues. I constantly try to cajole them to think beyond their capabilities and ask them to dream beyond their current role.  And with a growing team it pays off to spend as much time as possible with them morally encouraging even if you are not able to personally troubleshoot the technical queries.
Way to start from scratch again
There could be few of them such as some hiring decisions, focus areas we choose. But, most importantly we adventured into building analytics product to take on the Goliath in the industry and which was available free. We couldn’t back it up enough to compete against it because we were handicapped in terms of the resources that were available to us for Marketing & Sales. Personally I, now would never build a product competing against a giant but rather build something which could piggy back and gain wider acceptance.
Most critical decision
One of the critical and painful decisions that we had to undertake during the course of this journey was to let go of some business areas and along with that few partner friends. We were not able to weave the story together with multiple focus areas and resource competing activities. So, we all had to take a conscious and consensus decision in best interest of everyone to separate it out. It did involve quite a lot of brainstorming and emotional discussions. But, in the end we see that all of us are benefiting from the decision we took.
advice for fellow entrepreneurs
Again advice is overrated word and I am still a student of business to do that. Nevertheless for those who are considering to be entrepreneurs or have just started, my two cents are Passion is more important than Vision, single minded focus is most desirable – try different things in one area rather than trying multiple areas. (As a start-up don’t spread yourself thin). Peace and Contentment are admirable goals to have but they do not take you long way in the Commercial world
My thought
I still feel there is enough to be done in the Indian entrepreneurship/VC segment. The ecosystem has to be strengthened as there are several gaps in it. We are not able to build the self-serving value chain because we still as entrepreneurs do not dare to use or experiment product/service of another entrepreneur. All of them invariably stretch their hands outside this geography whereas all of us know that we have a sizable domestic market. From investment perspective, I feel that it is the same situation an entrepreneur has to endure as an individual has to prove enough that he does not require a loan to receive a loan.
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