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Advice Request
Gursharan Singh
Gursharan Singh

Gursharan Singh

Freelance - Auditor - Trainer - Writer

Free Lance

More about myself
Internal Auditors, Financial/Accounting/Techncial and other professionals must acquire knowledge relevant to the core activities of their clients if they are to be honest to their profession and work in their best interest.
People should work for pleasure as the rewards will follow automatically.
Profssionals should have balanced lives and not waste/destroy their social life and families in persuit of wealth.
Finally no one should compromise with their principles and ethics to please the bosses or clients.
Loyalty should be to the profession and not the bosses as there has never been a case where the bosses are loyal to their employees.
Enjoy the work but not at the expense of the families and friends.
Influenced by
My father advised me never to forget my responsibilities to my family and friends especially seniors and those in need as their blessings are move beneficial than all the profits I may get.

The next was my three teachers [Mr. Alvarez, DeSouza and Mr. DeSilva from 1949-1952] in St Joseph's EH School, Banglore who were not only strict but helped me after class to give my additional tution without any payment. This was a leson for me that help others without reward and they will remember and thank you.
My role model
During school days in 1949-1952 it was the Jesuit Fathers who were my role models who instilled sense of responsibility and fairness in treatment of others.
Degree that I recommend
Professional academic degrees/certifications are important as they open the doors to employment and beginning of careers. However advancment will only come from practical experience and ability to convey your views and communicate in a language that is understandable by the audience. A professor must talk to a baby in baby language and not in high academic language as it would thus be like pouring water over an oily surfce.
Initiative to develop a country
Indian professionals who have excelled overseas should help local Indians by not only sharing their knowledge and expertise on a gratis mode instead of asking for USD fees.
Their high material wealth should also be shared with those in need by providing assistance to enable all needy persons to acquire knowledge, expertise and opportunities for employment and enterpreaneurship.

It is shown that some of them waste their wealth on ceremonies and rituals instead of assisting those in need.

Only those who help and share are remembered the rest are soon forgotten.
My strongest skill
Ability to convey my views in laymen's language that can be understood by the audience. Construction industry is full of technical jargon and this I translate in easy to understandable words.
Finally I provide real life examples of the financial implications of terms and conditions of construction contracts and procurment agreements.
Important decision
I had to cancel my further studies when I had gained admission in Perth Australia to acquire professional accounting qualifications as my father was hospitalized and there was no other to operate family restaurng business. The responsibility fell on me as the eldest of nine siblings. My sacrifice did not go to waste as it enabled me to enable five of them to acquire degrees or professional qualifications and all are well settled inf life.
Brief description about me
Gursharan Singh C.M.I.I.A. has over 37 years experience in auditing of Construction Projects. ‘Project’ components include Buildings & Infrastructure Works [‘Works’], Services of Technical Consultants and Procurement of Building Materials & Assets [Logistics] used in Implementation. Management-Audit-Monitoring of some ‘Projects’ involved billion ringgit cost mega projects. He is knowledgeable about the adverse financial/legal implications of the Terms & Conditions and Laws relating to ‘Projects to make positive contribution to ensure that ‘Projects’ are implemented in cost-effective and cost-efficient manner. He is also aware of the financial implications of their technical designs and decisions. He enhances his knowledge and expertise by browsing the internet. He shares his knowledge via his articls that are published and by conducting public and in-housse trainng courses. His knowledge and expertise is based on practical experience as he does not posses high academic qualifications.
Important lesson learned
The lessons have been covered in earlier questions.
Ensuring success
I continue to enhance my knowledge by browsing the internet and subscribing to the many websites that provide knowledge and expertise relevant to the construction industry.
There are many other websites such as SiliconIndia that provide practises in other countries and thus provide information which can then be compared with the local environment and then select the best. The good points are then modified to suit local scene and shared with others in the same field.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
India has world class education system which is being enhanced by the millions of software players who are providing systems that can be applied in the rural or real India and benefit the vast majority in India. The NRIs who are heading the many software and financial institutions should come forward first as Indians and then citizens of the world as this would be in line with SHARING WITH NEIGHOURS FOR MUTUAL BENEFIT.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Do what he says and say what they mean and be fair and just.
Couple of years from now
I am 76 and thus have no further need or ambition to damage my present family lifestyles as I do what I like, when I like and with whom I like.
My achievements
I have trained over 6000 participants of my training courses over the past twenty over years.
I have provided articles relevant to the various aspects of construction industry which is one thing that is lacking in Malaysia.
I have voiced my views also at the leading corporate companies AGMs where I have raised matters such as ineffectiveness of the Audit Committes and their member and the certificates of the external auditors whose audits and the certificates provide little benefit to the shareholders due to their limited scope of audit.
My family background
I am married with two children one of whom is a freelance architect while the other acquired an IT degree but then left it to pursue studies i his passion for performaing arts and acquired another degree from an internationally known Education Institution and is now a freelance actor-director-etc and teacher in performing arts. He has had many public performances as well as training sessions with cosrporate functions in Singapore and other countries.
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