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Advice Request
Gokula Krishnan
Gokula Krishnan

Gokula Krishnan

Graphic Head Manager

Hard n Soft Technology Pvt Ltd

My job profile
Right now I am working in Chennai based Hard n Soft Technologies as an Manager - Creative Head. I am taking care of all projects. Including handling creative team to ensure that our outcome must be clients expecting standards as well as highly creative. We used to work for the leading automobile companies and developing E Learning contents, Web Sites, Corporate Presentations and Commercial Advertisements.

Apart from this….There are 25 member’s team under me round the clock working for 2D, 3D Animation as well. We have the great work process to follow from pre-production to the final outcome.

Leadership qualities
In my point of view Leader should be a good listener and a talent performer. I personally feel that Listening and Grasping from client and  co -workers is important for me.

Being a Creative and Management person I am comfortable to satisfy the costumer in all aspects based on the budget. I am interested to learn new things whenever get fresh project opportunities.

Ensuring Growth
As I said above Listening and Learning is the main keys to grow. Moving closely with employee’s and co staffs is very important. At the same time understanding the client needs and updating our self  is also one of the major part to grow ourselves.

Opening windows to create new unique concepts.To  make Clients and Co-worker feel comfortable with my approach.

We have long planning goals and desire qualifications to achieve that goals in proper manner.

I have worked for Leading international companies like Walt Disney, Warner Bros and Millimages . I have learned lot from these international Companies (mainly the process and quality standards). It will always help me grow better and better.

Our aim is to develop our team strength up to 150 mid next year.

My advise to upcoming leaders
We need to work hard to become Leader. Listening and Learning these are the two eyes to become a good leader.

Nobody can say I know everything. We need to understand that there are lots of things are there to learn every day. So keep learning and update and adapt yourself with new software’s.

Finally... before taking any decision we need to analyse and make a point that we understand it.

Connecting right dots by avoiding mistakes
First of all I love my mistakes. It’s often said that mistakes provide great learning opportunities. If I love my mistakes I can easily correct them latter. Doing mistakes is common for humans. .Always mistakes teaches a lot in our personal life.
Personally I am simple husband for my wife, elegant father for my son. In my profession I am little bit strict with my staffs so that I can attain my peak. I am not a person who carry’s office work home, I am a leader when I am at office a loveable father at home.
Influenced by
My Father- He is the only person who understood my passion. Living in a small village near Ooty (Tamilnadu – Nilgiris District) he spends more money for my studies in 90’s. Except my father nobody is interested me choosing this creative line.

Secondly my college Professors and  Industry seniors who helped me to attain this valuable stage.

Third.... is Walt Disney’s Father of Animation “Preston Blair” who created. He has inspired me a lot and this boosted me to choose animation as my career.

Finally my wife and son….after spending more than 12 to 14 hours in office after that also some  times  with laptop and to conversing with my clients and Skype meetings in my home, Still both love me a lot and support my job. Their effort supports me a lot to achieve a lot in animation industry.

Handling Grievances
Normally  we believe team work is the most important aspects in our offices. If any small issues we will solve it in team heads level. Sometimes our HR will deal these issues. If it is still existing, then only it will come to my table. I will have a deep conversation with employees and finally I will solve these issues. If needed I will consult experts for counselling.

Important career decision
In my young age I wanted to become a good writer. But latter on I have shifted my interest to creative and fine arts.The turning point in my life is when i joined the Fine Arts College in Chennai. Because of the creative knowledge I switched my focus in to Animation and now E Learning and Apps Design industry.
One more plus about my job locations. I have worked in Chennai, Bangalore, Hyderabad and Delhi. Switching states to state I got better knowledge from all over people from India.

My view on India technological development
I will not totally agree with your point. Only technical talent is not enough. We have the manpower but we don’t have the investors with long term goals. Now... time is changed a lot. There are lots of technical experts started their own companies and become investors. May be in another 3 to 4 years I am sure we will get the right answer for this question.

Family background
I am basically from Ooty. My father is retired Bank employee, Mother House wife. I am living in Chennai with my wife and kid. Wife she is working in School and my son is in 3rdstd in MCC. I have few good friends who stand with me for everything all my life.
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