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Girish Makhija
Girish Makhija

Girish Makhija

Sr Manager - QA

Hexaware Technologies


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My strongest skill
Attention to Detail, while staying away from MicroManaging: In the world of QA, it is very important to be able to find issues early in the lifecycle and to ensure high quality. With that in mind, i have always made sure that i pay high attention to the Business requirements and make sure that test scenarios are in line with the same and test the same thoroughly.
Motivitaing the team: It is very important to ensure that your QA team is clear about its objective(knowing the system inside out, and ensuring that they test the system the way it will be used in the real world). With that in mind, i always make sure the team is motivated at all times, and has enough fun at work to be able to deliver at 200% at all times.
Couple of years from now
I see myself being able to provide leadership to teams in the QA space. I have also started working closesly with clients at building relationships and providing them the know-how on how to stream line processes and methodology to be able to repeat the success that has already been tasted on multiple projects. Repeatability is key to being able to continue to grow and build world-class software. I would like to stay in this leadership capacity and provide my knowledge to all that follow.
Initiative to develop a country
India already has a lot going for itself in the world of Software Development. And the biggest thing is talent and knowledge that is gained early on in schools and colleges that are preparing the youth to understand software, and be able to deliver on high quality software. As professionals we should always apply all that we learn and also mix that with the right soft skills to be able to convince companies around the world that we are a complete package of knowledge(pure technical, along with processes, methodologies) and we will continue to grow as a country that provides world class software professionals to the software giants across the globe.
Influenced by
My Father. He was in the world of IT for 30+ years. Ever since i was a child, i saw that he had a 9-5 job, but he was making a difference by being a thorough professional at it and making it count. His knowledge, not just technical and managerial, but of how the world of IT revolves was at its highest level throughout. He kept himself abreast with the latest technologies, management practices, software lifecycle models etc and he always motivated to see that IT was a thing that was here to stay and how i can be part of that world and gain from being in it.
Important lesson learned
I have learnt that there are no shortcuts, not when it comes to learning and not when it comes to growing in the company that you work for. You need to put in the hours, bring something to the table, and growth will automatically come. Also, designation doesnt make you who you are in the company, its the role you play that makes it count.
My achievements
I am proud to have gained knowledge early on in the QA world of IT and made sure that i have applied it to every role i have played, whether it was that of an engineer writing test cases, or a manager managing multiple projects and clients. I have taken people and processes equally seriously, cos neither can survive without the other.
Brief description about me
I have been part of the world of QA for 12years and have been involved in Test creation, Execution, Strategising, Planning and now Managing multiple high-performing individuals that are involved in Manual and Automation testing. Have had exposure to the Healthcare, Telecom and Financials domain in my career so far. I have been lucky to be part of the world of Software QA ever since IT started needing dedicated QA teams to be able to help improve quality of software products before they hit the market.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
A leader needs to 1st listen to what his team is telling him. He needs to be able to not just ask for questions/status, but also be able to recognise the bottlenecks, and help clear them so that the team can move forward as a whole. A leader needs to be able to provide ideas/guidance, and then groom people to be able to deliver on those.
Degree that I recommend
Early on in the career, it is important to have the foundation, which is a degree that teaches you the essentials of software, and software development. This includes logic as well as languages to use to express that logic. Later on, as you grow and start managing/leading people, it is important to have a degree that teaches you the necessary softskills to be able to deal with clients, as well as groom your own team to succeed.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
The education system in India is really good with respect to the field of IT. There are colleges and degrees out there that teach kids and provide them the basic tools to understand logic and technology to be applied in software development. The only addition i would like to see is that there should be more focus on Logic, than on syntax. A tool/language/domain can be learnt, but how to use analytics and logic is something that should be mastered early on.
Ensuring success
I make sure i read about the latest trends in the world of IT with respect to technology, new domains, processes and how things can be made better and streamlined, while keeping the processes lightweight.
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