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Advice Request
Gaurav Jain
Gaurav Jain

Gaurav Jain

CEO and Chairman,


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My strongest skill
I am a good not perfect coder of ASP and SQL and i have done hundreds of website in ASP and MSSQL. To work in ASP is my passion and i spend almost 12 years in ASP development and i find alot new things in this platform.

But now a days i am working on PHP and MYSQL and i think i am doing good work in both technologies.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
I think person should be a devoted to his work first and have passion. person should provide examples in front of his junior of good skills and good work.

He or she should care for his team members and give them moral support time to time. I personally feel that a leader not complete the task, the complete team and team member finish any task. Leader is there to help them with his own skills.
Initiative to develop a country
I will say only one thing. Find new things, find new technologies and invent something new which can help our country to be more strong in technology.
Couple of years from now
I am happy with what i am doing now but i have a dream to see my company among india's one of leading company and want to issue my company IPO
My family background
My family comprises of 6 members my parents myself and my wife and my 2 small kids. I have 3 siblings sisters. my father is 59 years old he is retired from from UP government electricity department. He was working as clerk in government department.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
I think our education system is very vast and big. I notice my daughter is in just LKG class but she got alot of books and big bag. I feel she is just small and how much study she have to do. According to this how much bigger and vast education would be for a Phd person in india.

In graduation time we just target or focus to clear our final exams but i think we should focus on how to invent or do something new.

I had started my company and website when i was doing my graduation and i had almost 3 years of working experience when i was doing my B.Com. I learn and invent a new thing during my graduation because my focus was only to find something new and which i always want to do. So for our education system i will suggest only one thing that suggest students to do new innovations and invent something new which world never see before. This will increase our country and our power in world.
Influenced by
I never think about this but i remember i learn all business from my grand father. When i was 10 years old i always go to my grand father shop and learn from him. One day he told me the key of a good businessman. He told me " A good businessman is who do not have any Loan of anyone so if you take money from anyone then return him before the time then you will never loos your goodwill and goodwill is the key of any business"

I just remember this while i am doing my business and this it the only thing which leave a good mark in my life and business.
Degree that I recommend
I have done M.Sc(IT) but i want to do M.Tech and Phd in IT but i really can not get time to do this.
My achievements
The one and only achievement in my life is my

When i started this site i did not make it as a business site. i made this site to provide good information free of charges to anyone and till now is free for job seekers and will never be paid in anyway.
My role model
None. because from my early age i have in mind that "Don't be like someone else, be like yourself what you are and let others to be like you" so i really never think about any role model but in other way. i want to be like my Grand Father because he teach me something about how to run a business and how to be a good team leader.
Brief description about me
I am very down to earth person and hardly want to come in light.
I have been working in IT industry since from 1999 (i think i remember exact) and i started my career as a web designer trainee. In my 13 years of career i have been work for some good mnc's where i learn and increase my skills day by day. I have done some small mistakes in my career but i always learn from them and improve my knowledge and never repeat that mistakes again. I always learn from my mistakes. I have worked for many hours a day during my job because every time i find new thing to learn and i am always keen to learn new technologies.

During my career i have been worked on multiple technologies and done work on different applications. I love to code with PHP and ASP and love to do experiments. At many places i use cross platform technologies like i used ASP with MYSQL and PHP with MSSQL successfully.

I love beaches and forests and i have traveled some counties with my family.
Important decision
The most important decision in my life was when i left my good job just to give 100% devotion to my site and that was my right decision because i am happy and satisfy with my company and work.
Ensuring success
I always want to invent new website to grow my business. Ever year i made a new big site to increase my business revenue.
Important lesson learned
I just learn. never trust anybody very fast because this can be harmful for your business.
More about myself
Help college graduate or students to invent new things and grow because they are our country future.
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