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Advice Request
Ganesh Bhat
Ganesh Bhat

Ganesh Bhat

Lead Engineer/Software Architect at Samsung Research India

Samsung Research India


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Challenges faced in job
The most challenging or interesting part is to work with S.Korean clients who cannot clearly understand international language. To explain technical concepts, I usually draw diagrams and provide ppt with lots of images so that they can understand each aspect of design.

But interestingly they do have an immense interest in technical aspects and I am surprised to see that almost all of the managers, VP's have a very good understanding of technical aspects of what we work on, and they are interested in knowing the architecture and how the things work, compared to people who are interested in only numbers in excel sheets.

I could see that how it is helping them in driving the company towards success with ease and I am learning those lessons from them, it is helping me to move forward with increased technical skill sets.
My advice
If you are starting with your first job, then my advice for you would be to join a company which is working on either cutting edge technology which interests you allot like ThoughtWorks, Google, Facebook or any start-up or join a service based company which has got very good brand value and very good process like Accenture without looking at compensation as deciding factor.

Some of the To-Do in your job would be
1. If you are not placed in the technology you like, don't get disappointed, to get what you want to work on, you will have to spend a little extra effort to create something which adds value to your project and make your manager realize that you have the skills and interest to work on some other technology. I did this and it works.
2. Try to excel in everything you do, think how you can add value to everything you do. It could be as simple as an excel tracking sheet. Think of automation, think how you can save time of people doing that job.
My achievement
The couple of achievements I can recollect and proud of are
1. In Accenture, due to a new system replacement, there was a critical situation where the entire project came to kind of halt due to issues in a related module. I could create a seperate system which could clean up the issues. It also had extension points for any new issues popping up. It was seen as savior and I have been awarded accenture ACE.
My team got ACE team award subsequent year as well.
2. I won in an ideation contest held across Samsung subsideries, my idea chosen as best ( one among 8 )
3. I filed my first patent in Samsung and couple of them in progress
4. My prototype project selected as best demo in division level
5. Samsung level awards for Advanced Technology Team
6. Knight award for creating architecture
7. Completed my work integrated MS. in Bits Pilani with 9.17 GPA. with Excellent grade for final sem project
8. I created web applications for smaller organizations when I was doing my engineering.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
Yes, it is the pain I have when I see counties like S.Korea growing with such a horrible weather conditions, not enough natural resource and countries like N.Korea next to it, why our India cant make growth?

I see following problems
1. We are hesitant to start with our own ideas and put life into it.
2. We are accustomed to our job, the fear of failure stopping us from doing something big or dreaming something big.
3. Bigger dreams are the stepping stones for such an achievements, with the fear to dream, we cant achieve much, we must get rid of fear and start trying, start aspiring.
Now as the things are on cloud, we dont have to invest too much in realizing our thoughts, it just needs our time but nothing else.

We shall start with smaller aspects like android apps, cloud apps, soon we will gear for better ones.

The motivation for creating product or an app must not be for money, rather to help people, to make their life simple, easy and better.
Company and job profile
I am a six-year veteran of Software architecture and development, with substantial experience in Java, J2EE and Android.

Currently I am working for Samsung Research India, Bangalore formally known as SISO. My current work involves architecting and developing applications for Multi Function Peripherals(MFP) and to do research in our domain to come up with patents,technical papers and prototype new concept apps and demo them to leadership teams.

In our domain it is very usual that we do at-least couple of products in an year and I will be developing the architectures and reference implementations of the applications which the app developers later refer to and develop rest of the applications of MFP.
It involves working with architects in US, stakeholders in S.Korea and OEM vendors.
Current Trends
In a way it is History repeats, like Electric cars are coming back now with a new technology, as we face problems with fuel.
Same way, Dynamic languages, structural/procedural languages are coming into power now.
Writing code for multi-cores,without bothering about internal thread mechnism will be a big thing coming in industry.

The technology shift is happening in paradigm where people are moving away from desktop, laptop like systems to tablets, it will move towards cloud soon and projects like google cloud avoid the necessity of carrying an extra device like phone an absolute need.

The flexible display will be big thing in market with people carrying smallest devices with biggest displays for them to play, interact and read.

"The day made up of glass" is not very far from reality now. :)
Managing professional as well as personal life
As we spend more than 70% of our time at work, it is important that we like what we do, else we shall be looking out for opportunity to find what we love to do.

My strategy in managing the work life is to know what is the target to be achieved in prior, be it a day, or a month time or an entire year.

Based on that plan each day to finish task in given 9 hours, without wasting time on anything else.
In between take breaks by shifting the nature of the work, like excel sheet works, reviews between coding. Else research work, technical paper between design and coding.
Knowing and deciding what is really critical and what is not helps allot as well when managing work.
I am a big fan of Microsoft One Note, I recommend every one to use it to collaborate with your team mates, managing your task, every day work etc. At the end of the year you have a record of what you have done for an entire year.
Spending the evening with family after work makes a day complete. :)
Making job easier
Be gentle and friends with your colleagues and sub-ordinates at your work, nothing can be more helpful and make working easier than this.

World is a mirror, you get what you give. Help people, smile at them, wish them on their success, encourage them for the thing they do, no matter which team they belong, when you are in need, they will be glad to help you at any cost.

This is what helps me at my organization, when people around you smile at you and love you, world is lot beautiful.
Family Background
I come from a lower middle class family, where my Mom and Dad struggled allot to raise me.
My dad lost his job and we came to village and my dad and mom started a screen printing firm at home. It was lot of struggle to understand new technology without any aid, where computers were unknown.
Later getting the first computer in town, with it breaking down with issues, no one to reach to was lot of struggle.
For every small issue, my dad traveled 1120km to just to get a pc formatted and get with some Desktop publishing software in it.
With no right people to teach us English properly in our schools, it was very hard for me to understand the instructions provided during installations etc.
Soon, i found that it is such a struggle and learnt things needed for our work and pc formatting, installing etc by reading lots of computer magazines.
Silicon india with its motivational stories, helped me allot as well, during this time.
My important career decision
There are couple of them
1. Decided to shift from Testing to Java in accenture, because that is what I always loved. I dedicated my time and energy for it and I made time for learning and using the tools/frameworks and techniques needed.
I created lots of apps which automated many things in our project, made my manager realize my interest in software development and soon I got shifted to development team.
2. Joining Samsung and leaving accenture. Though I was in comfort zone in accenture, with the recent news of promotion, and lucrative offers of onsite, I decided to quite Accenture and start working on Samsung. I wanted to work on latest technologies, varying architectures. I always believed, unless I work on many architectures and varying technologies, I cannot be a good architect.
3. Going to Korea for software development work - though there were bad weather conditions and hard working environment and working with people who does not know English well,I decided to visit Korea
My role model
There is no single role model though, I have couple of them
1. Martin Fowler
- He has passion about technology, me made his carrier out of technology, till now he spends lots of time doing technical work, coming up with technical architecture etc.
Chief Scientist at ThoughtWorks and agile company
2. Steve Jobs
The demo god, an ultimate entrepreneur, who never lost his hope.
Who could make a failing company into a successful, most valued company very less time.
3. Venkat subramaniam
For his talent in teaching, presenting things to people, he has been worshiped in developer community.
Developer community loves to attend his speeches and seminars.
Goals and Ambitions
I would like to grow in the software industry as a technology expert and would like to create many software systems which help people to transform their life, make their life easy better and more enjoyable.

I would like to see more architectures and want to work with industry experts or with my role models to learn more and understand how they reached those positions.

I understand that our people have contributed allot to what we are enjoying today, starting from toothbrush we use till good night mat, I would like to give back something to world which can give me a satisfaction.
Books recommended
I would recommend them to read "You Can Win" by Shiv Khera.
> Pragmetic Programmer
> Head first books of their technology
> Headfirst design patterns and Head First OOAD for sure.
My strongest Skill
I am an accomplished software engineer, specializing in Object-Orientated Design and Analysis with extensive experience in full life cycle of the software design process.
I have been very fortunate to have been able to work in a wide range of technologies. My Software experience covers much of the Java landscape, frameworks like struts, spring, quartz, velocity, Dynamic modules and android apps development.

There have also been lots of interesting challenges in my work experience. The demands of working with the applications needed On-The-Fly learning of technologies, knowledge of designing/development of application from requirements, POC . till the end system development.

Specialties: Android 2.3, Java/J2EE: Java,JSP, Servlet, EJB (stateless), MDB, JMS, JDBC, Java Mail, WSDL, XSD, XML, Spring, WebServices, SOA, Flex,
HQ App Development: PMD Analysis, CheckStyle, Find Bugs and Code Pro
Scripting/Styling: HTML, XML, UML , BootStrap, JavaScript, CSS, ANT,
Frameworks:Struts, Spring, DM
Being different
1. Every task i would like to add an extra value to it, be whatever it may be.
2. I have an immense passion towards technology and I love what I do.
3. I have an interest in learning new things, technology and very steep learning curve for any technology learning.
4. Offline, during my free time, I create lots of software code, which helps me to learn and understand software systems than anyone else.
5. I am lazy in doing repeating tasks, I automate them very quickly, it gives me an extra time to do other interesting things.
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