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Advice Request
Dr Harry C D
Dr Harry C D

Dr Harry C D


Telecom Major


Dr Harry C D is a member of:

Ensuring Success
Becoming aware of the changing climate and chemistry of the organization; I adopt myself to the changing needs of the organization and reshape my skills and capabilities.

I work on the belief that every employee has a right to realize his potential and capability to become a leader. I, as a responsible leader constantly ignite and enable employees realize that dream by way of providing opportunity for higher learning, lead a team and experience the joy of growing as an integrated talent. In my belief, every organization has three bands of people employed i.e; executive, managerial and leadership bands. These bands often mix and match their roles based on their drive to achieve the given objective.

I strategically position the talents in such a way that some bit of executive, managerial and leadership capability is sedulously used by every individual to realize the objective thereby the assumed gap in every team delivery is filled without a team asking for it. Through this method I am able to realize leadership continuum in myself, my organization and the society.

My current job profile
As a senior management member and head of the HR function, I provide leadership and direction to the HR team. The 3500 direct and indirect members of our organization spread across India are managed by a team of HR professionals. I provide service leadership to this team.
Leadership skills
A leader should be able to accept the failure of his team as his own failure, and attribute his success to the team’s endeavor.

A leader should be able to develop, refine and increase the purpose, develop critical deliverables, build member commitment, continuously improve the process, keep the communication live and build trust within the team for the team and outside the team for all the stake holders to perceive the value as an integral part of the organization.

A person who inspires others through his intuition, efforts and social network, goes beyond the extent of branded leadership and gets a venerated position in the mind of people around him/her.
Important decision
I took the decision to take a break to pursue my doctoral programme in AHRD under the auspicious support of IIMB. I enrolled myself for the programme in 2006 and have successfully completed the programme in 2012 and also published my research paper in an international journal (IJSER Jan 2013).

I always stood by values that I am passionate about. I believe that skills are important but can be acquired whereas attitude is very important but cannot be acquired. Every person hired with a positive attitude becomes an asset to the organization safe guarding your and organizational interest. I made sure that all my senior members go through a value and attitudinal mapping before being offered. This approach has always been appreciated for the kind of a return it brought with it for the organization.
Advice to managers
A seasoned professional should be able to balance between the roles of a leader and manager. Whenever, a person experiences a need and necessity to provide managerial assistance to the team, it should be provided unequivocally at the same time whenever, the situation demands a person to go beyond managerial constraints and establish leadership values and emulate a model for the industry, it should be done without an iota of doubt.

I feel that organizational leaders evolve while managers progress by experience.
Handling Grievances
I ensure that fairness is displayed when I handle the grievance in the organization.

• Precautionary measures are taken to ensure grievances are genuine and not raised with an intention to victimize or character assassinate any individuals in the organization through a process of verification and validation

• Empathize with the person who has raised the grievance and ascertain the frequency of the incident and the pain the person has gone through with the relevant causative factors behind such occurrences.

• Collect facts and figures about the source of the grievance

• Without making assumptions / impartiality listen to all other parties involved in the grievance
• Discuss with the affected parties and evolve a resolution mechanism

• Provide opportunity for self-resolution
• Swift action is taken to close or dismiss the grievance lodged
• I also make sure that disciplinary actions is taken on vexatious or malicious complaints and hence such complaints are never encouraged in the organization
Handling grievances inside the organization requires patience so that it is addressed in an effective, timely, impartial and just way with the employees work related concerns and grievances
Managing personal and professional life
As a leader I constantly lookout for opportunity to fill the various gaps that gets created in the system as the organization keeps navigating. The potential reason for popping up gaps could be due to growing needs, changing strategies, forward and backward integration, and conflict within and outside the teams. As a senior management member, I play an active role in evolving, discussing and filling such gaps by taking people into confidence and building an integrated approach to resolving differences.

I also feel that the other reason for cracks in the organization is lack of work-life balance. I ensure that my team doesn’t work overtime unless there is a need, so that everyone in the family (profession and personal) gets adequate time to be with family and with extended family (Profession)
My family background
Mine is a small nuclear family of four members. Wife is an accomplished software engineering professional working for an American multinational. I have two children who are in their schooling and showing a lot of interest in computer, software and technology.

Inspired by
The two people who have influenced my professional career are

N R Narayanamurthy – He believed that “he is a capitalist in mind and a socialist at heart." It was this belief in the distribution of wealth that made Infosys one of the first Indian companies to offer employees stock-option plans. Infosys now has 400 employees who are dollar millionaires.

APJ Abdul Kalam – He believed and practiced that a leader should not only be able to manage success and ”a leader should know how to manage failure”.
My views on India Technical development
There is no dearth of talents in our country. Our business managers are driving top product companies across the world such as . However, our product development drive is latent in us as risk parameters of product realization have not been inherently high. Our techno managerial talents are superior but are worried to work on bad financial backdrop. Their financial risk taking ability is weakened as a product development needs a long term financial and organizational commitment.

Our country being one of the sources of young brains lacks in the new product development due to following reasons,

1. Lack of Financial Support from the Indian Investors who often see short term financial benefits rather than long term financial benefits hence they are deterrent to invest into R&D and innovation.
2. Indians are inherently service oriented. Hence all the top talents move to global product centers across geographies and remain more as service providers. The creamy layer of the talents are often brain drained and the leftovers are forced to work in a service oriented environment which is available in our country
3. Though our government takes numerous steps and provides subsidies for Research oriented companies, the financial risk taking ability is found to be meager.
4. In comparison with the economically developed countries, India’s priority has been to emerge as a self-sustained, fundamentally strong and economically viable country. The perceived gaps on steering product development initiatives is due to the fact that our unified attention has been

But in the recent past, due to job crunching in the western countries most of our talents are back to the country and there is a scope of new product development in the country provided an adequate number of Indian investors are ready to take a financial risk and Government of India promotes such activity.
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Associate Professor (Finance)
National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM)
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R Systems International
K S Oils Limited
Associate Vice President – Testing Practice
Senior Softwaer Developer
Coconut Softwares Pvt Ltd