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Advice Request
Ramesh Kumar
Ramesh Kumar

Ramesh Kumar

Vice President Sales and Marketing



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Family Background
I come from a traditional and well educated family, father a Civil Engineer running a Petrol Bunk and mother into agriculture, wife a house wife and my sister, a mechanical engineer married and settled in USA.
Contribution to the field
Anil is a professionally well managed organisation which has passed through a long journey from 1939. My Chairman & MD Mr.Amul Bhai is a lovely person who has a very big heart for humans specially for professionals. Here policies are made considering the employee's comfort level. Great Organisation.
What can be achieved
Marketing Person within himself doesn't limit. He keeps climbing targeting the sky as the limit. He is the most sportive person, limitation is not visible.
Importance of On line marketing
Present life is more dependent on internet. Net is accessable in the main gadgets like laptop, mobile, tab etc. Time factor pressure is gaining strength, so online is the only solution to manage this pressure. so online marketing has a good positive impact in this current life.
An individual will be sucessful in his career only if he markets himself properly. O A product or services is made sucessful only when the two driving factors marketing & Technology is blended properly. Marketing is a unique driving factor
Motivating Factor
Acceptance, Aknowledgement & Appreciation. Whereever these three factor embraced me in each step of growth, i was and i am sucessful
Branding brings in Premium status and creates loyality to the customers. It also gives a positive hit to the share holders. The good brand image bring in good value for the porduct and services for a long time and keep the trading active in the stock market.
Importance of sales
Sales is the gateway for revenue. Revenue impact the entire organisation.
Positioning the product
I will position the products accordingly for different market & customers. A basic lower end product will be accepted as a premium or atleast semi premium product in some market segments is due to the positioning.
Importance of 4ps
Industrial Marketing which i am into doesn't stop with 4ps.I practice in 5 ps of marketing, apart from Public relation also play a major role. These factors are interlinked with each other.
Marketing and sales are like a rail track which run parallely. Marketing is more of development and sales is a routine transaction. Marketing enable customer for accepting the product and sales happens after the product acceptance.
Achieving Targets
Analyse the individual, feed with needed input (Trainning), trust and delicate the responsibility, monitor, make correction when needed, appretiate. Target will be reached automatically. Process goes by case to case.
Importance of Marketing
As the marketing head i am the binding factor. I play the perfect parent role with my timely decision making & corrrective action and loving friend role on emotional attachment. Carrot & stick is practised very rarely.
What suggestions would you like to give to the aspirants who want to make their career in Marketing only?
I always encourage engineers to get into industrial marketing since it gives an opportunity to see the world, meet people, gain knowledge, refine the communication skill, better personality, etc. To make it simnple marketing makes most of the top CEOs
Marketing keeps the customer's interest level high on the organisation. It works good for the long term goals of the organisation. Good marketing simplifies the sales process. So for an organisation to consistenly grow on a long term, marketing plays the key role.
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