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Dhananjay Kumar
Dhananjay Kumar

Dhananjay Kumar



View s for better India
Development goal that call for national action cooperatin to provide access to food ,education, healthcare and economic opportunities for children, women and men everywhere
Most flourishing college experience
My most rewarding college experience occurred even before I arrived on campus as a freshman. Two weeks prior to orientation day, the college offered an "outward bound" program that first year students could participate in. During those two weeks, I overcame fears, made life long friends, and gained the self-confidence I needed to start my college journey.
Favorite Books and Articles
Feb 2, 2013 ... Does it matter how you outreach to potential employers and how you ... for a help desk for the last few years, I never read any of the cover letters ... However, I could see how in certain industries (non-technical) a ... You may have nice stuff, but you want to control the rate of exposure.
About Myself
My name is Dhananjay. I am a graduate from information technology. I like music and I listen to music to reduce my stress and take my mind off my problems. I am honest and self motivated. I have positive attitude and I am open to learning new things from others.
First Job Expectation
* I'm looking for an interesting position with flexible hours. It's important to me that I find my work intellectually stimulating.
* I'm looking for a position that will be able to accommodate my school schedule. My education is my priority right now, but I would like to work with a nice bunch of people.
* I'd like my next job to be challenging, and let me use my education and experience. It's important to me to continue learning, and exercise my problem solving skills.
Favorite subject
My favorite classes in college are those in the oracle. I have a strong passion for database. I also really enjoyed my classics courses. Because of them, I am able to understand a lot of classical references and have a better handling on the English language thanks to Latin.
Spare time activities
One of my greatest passions is helping others. When I was younger, I've enjoyed helping mom with household repairs. As I grew older, that habit grew and I desired to help others as well. I like helping
Most proud accomplishment
# My grades are a good indication of my academic achievement, but in a way you may not expect. The improvement that you will see over four years of college does not show lack of achievement in those early semesters. Rather, it shows the effects of finding an area of study that I was passionate about and good at.
# Yes, I feel my grades are a very accurate indication of my success in college and graduate school. I took my academics very seriously and worked very hard for the grades I received. I am proud of the achievements I have made.
Challenges facing by students
Acquiring successful time management skills was the biggest challenge I faced as a student. It was an aspect to college life that I underestimated the significance of. Now that I am in the work force, I continue to use the skills I gained and I am always trying to improve on them as well.
Career Expectations
My uniqueness
almost everyday i have daja vu but everyday i have it it is longer than usual.i dont know maybe i have a gift but i also have another gift whatever i want iget it within time of course.i know it sounds that i get anything i want in the world by my parents but maybe it is my 7th scence but i feal one day i will be in a power full battle between something evil and good.weird the way i am only thirteen and ive had daja vu since i could remember like two years old i courld rememmber that far back.
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