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Advice Request
Chet Ram Bhardwaj Lalit
Chet Ram Bhardwaj Lalit

Chet Ram Bhardwaj Lalit

Registrar Bahra University Shimla Hills, Waknaghat, PO Kiarighat 173215

Bahra auniversity, Waknaghat, H.P. India


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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I am a farmers son, my father Shri N.R. Bhardwaj remained without formal education, but he was a priest of the family deity, the Devta Mahasu, of the Rana (Sisodia) of Tharoch State in Shimla Hills (now Himachal Pradesh) and hence enjoyed lot of respect in the community and was a wordly wise person.
Essential Advice
Be frank, truthful and positive
Tech trends to watch out for
Not very clear though, but interviewing over net has become easier than facing a dominatin personally across the table
Most Important Lessons
Truth always prevails; efficiency pays and honesty always pays in the long run; if you are good to others you are sure to have your goodness acknowledged; competion is good but letting others down is unaceptable and if you do it you are exposed at some point of time.
Points of inflection
If I have understood it correct, I had not a single occasion where I felt cowed down. My reputation of a straight, upright and honest officer always endeared me to the highest authority in the Govt and if any one below tried to cow me down, no much hrm could be done to me
A Fine Balance:
In fact, I am not very heavily worked, but I keep kcool, dispose of a matter as it comes - of course after giving full thought to its pros and cons - and I do knot bother for extraneous pressure. I have been successful most of the time. Being a poet, my imaginationcomes handy in tress situations
Changes in the industry
Not much knowledge. In olden days things were3 more simple and even in competitive examinations, you could answer questions with ease. Now things have gone more complex. I am out of it, thanks to my age!
The Journey So Far
Started as LDC in GoI, remained ITI Instructor, P.A, DFSC, ToppedH.A.S. became SDM, Secy. Education/Tech. Edu Board, Director Culture, Jt. Secy (Home), Registrar HP Uni, Addl Secy (Home, Coop., Welfare,etc), D.C., Settlement Officer, M.D. of 5 Corpns & Chairman,State Forum for Electricity Consumers.
Most Important Decisions
Decided not to contest election in 1985 when Ruling Party National President had cleared my name; started working in kprivate sector after retirement and remained Adviser Jagson Airlines, Aviser PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Registrar Rayat Bahra Group, Chandigarh; and now Registar Bahra Univ.
Plans for the Future
At least Pro Vice Chancellor and then I thnnk, I will call it a day. Rest depends upon circumstances. Atleast I am not interested in politics as it has become very nasty although I enjoy some amount of popularity.
Parting thoughts
I am up at around 3.30 am, do my meditation, pooja and exercises and start for office at 8.00 a.m. to be in chair at 9.00 a.m. Leave office any time after 5.00 p.m. spend some time on the Mall Road of Shimla if p[ossible and retire home. I am a vegetarian now and spirituality & p attract me most.
Role Model
SwamiParamhans Yogananda, of course. The first reading of his Autobiography of a Yogi transformed my life and I am trying to emulate some of his teachings. Mahatma Gandhi also inspires me and there are many more.
Currently working at
I am Registrar of a University; have to lookafter all duties prescribed by the Statutes and am looking after Human Resource Management. I am also chairman of the Purchase Committee and am trying to keep high standards of integrity.
Areas for the Future
Exactly speaking, I have no idea about the way things will go and I do not want to make a half baked statement.
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