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Advice Request
Charan Kumar
Charan Kumar

Charan Kumar

Project Manager



Charan Kumar is a member of:

Family Background
My sister is a telecommunication engineer. My mother is no more and my father is having his own business.
Plans for the Future
An entrepreneur.
Essential Advice
Just the theory knowledge is not enough. Should take up a live project and should write the test cases and automate them.
Tech trends to watch out for
Mobile testing, Cloud testing and Web projects testing...These are the current trends.
Required Reading
Check the net for this. You find ample number of sites which provides the required information.
Currently working at
Project Manager.
Current and Previous Responsibilities
Same as previous role.
The Journey So Far
Software engineer, SSE, TL, TM, PM
Areas for the Future
Practice and learning the current trend.
Most Important Lessons
Understand people and technology and continuous learning.
Parting thoughts
Learning..learning and learning will help...
Degrees that Matter
Automation certifications are good to have.
Changes in the industry
It has changed a lot.
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