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Advice Request
Chandrashekhar Patil
Chandrashekhar Patil

Chandrashekhar Patil


Black pepper technologies Pvt Ltd


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Chandrashekhar Patil's Advice

Never Stick to Old Methods

Think always out of box. Never stick to old methods. As a QA professional, you are the gate keeper for any bugs, Make sure your gate keeping job/observations/QA should catch them, before products gets released. Else you are not doing your job that really requires for any successful product.
Family Background
My mom/dad and ancestors, like grand fathers (mom/dad side) are all formers, in interiors of north Karnataka. Where the population was not even 5000. Around us just government schools, trees, water tributaries, flowers, fields, butterflies, open well and river swimming, cattles etc..:-)
Work Accomplishments
1.Made the USA, patent for “low leakage for CMOS” circuits, with my single name when working in Synopsys. This can be employed in Synopsys IP products, any time.
2.Made extensive QA testcases and enhanced the tool QA capability when in Intel.
3.Developed the robust LQSII Syatem.
Creating the extensive testcases (from the scratch) to QA a tool or a process/flow/system.
Involved in new product development and enhancing the old product capabilities.Lead the team technically.
Interpersonal skills, Engineering estimations,Project operations.
Role Comparison
At present, I am a technical manager, wherein I am handling the team of few engineers. Side by side I even do the designs for the customers, for Wireless Chip sets. Exploring the Wireless chip technologies, with this opportunity, where the whole world is plunged in to.
Work Ethics
I am very honest to the company and its policies.This is the main lesson I learnt from my Father. Work should not disclose the sensitive data and undisclosed practices. I always taken care to not to implement one company’s technique in other company, to get rewards, recognition, name etc.
Reference and Sharing
Strength Finder 2.0” by Tom Rath, to find out what you are, at present?
””, one of the best and special website for the entrepreneurs and news in semiconductors and general affairs.” and “” for the news and technology advancement in the VLSI/semiconductor
Doing Differently
I will not stick to 10 years to single company. Over a period of time you will acquire the skills that industry requires and pays if you look outside, so many companies and there is so much to learn in the market. :-)
Long working hours
Off course. I have tried to be in office as and when required, Many times I spend nights and Weekends in the company. Achieved learning of the tools, studying documents, browsing etc.

Working Preference
I always appreciate a person who gives time for himself even when there is workload. But the one who takes regular breaks for playing Carom/Chess, in company can affect the work concentration; when we both are involved doing hand in hand. Else its OK.
Money V/S Work
Only the WORK!! Work is worship for me.
Professional Advice
Think always out of box. Never stick to old methods. As a QA professional, you are the gate keeper for any bugs, Make sure your gate keeping job/observations/QA should catch them, before products gets released. Else you are not doing your job that really requires for any successful product.
Prized Accomplishment
External to corporate world, my contributions through US Patent#8,018,003B2 and papers bought “Inventor award” and “Authors award”.The “community relations leadership award”,where I was involved in many of the community relations, to raise funds internally from companies,in India(NGOs)and Malaysia.
Career Goal
I want to be an excellent and deliver the product in time that brings the honor for my positions, held in the companies.
Success Path
In my opinion, success is ongoing process of continued effort and result. There is no end point in measuring the success. Successful is not yet achieved, in my life. I believe that it is the event in the path of the journey. We need to be successful in every corner of the life
Strongest Point
I do some R&D when I start my work.

Difficulties at initial Stage
Except in IITs, it was difficult to get the knowledge on the VLSI and CAD tools when I was doing my M.Tech. VTU started these VLSI courses, after a very next year of my .M.Tech, started. I am the sufferer of 1st batch of VTU too. Just by studying the 1 or 2 subjects of VLSI in the whole graduation.
Contribution by you
I try to think, in an “out of box “approach, for every work. This has proved me as an asset to my previous organization.Hence I can be asset to my organizations
Parting thoughts
Today whatever I am, it is just because of my father alone. The merciless pancreatic cancer took him away from this world, within 4 months after the detection of the disease. He was a scientist. He was a lovely, affectionate father for his kids. Who gave me engineer qualities in my blood.
The problem definitions, (thinking of) an extra mile in deliverables and meeting deadlines, well in adavnce.
Learning’s/ Knowledge gaining
Have enhanced my skills, for the STA and Statistical Static Timing Analysis (SSTA) and also the scripting mastery on the Perl/TCL/AWK/Unix.
Leadership Quality
In Synopsys as a team player I was involved and responsible for “Smoke Test” detections. “Smoke Test” means, once the IP is ready for release (with a lot of Bugs? as a QA person I was responsible to detect any smoke/bugs in the release. Contributed to run the tools with various versions.
Journey so far
I started my career on5th sep 2000, soon after my M,Tech, with“Synopsys”, which is a EDA(Electronic Design Automation) a software company. Stayed 10 years in it. Later, moved almost 2 years to Intel, Malaysia. Now back to India, in one of the startup.
Current Role in The Organization
Currently role is manager to manage the few engineers team along with the with some customer design engagements of wireless world as I said before.
Position Preference
Any! Team player, Individual contributor, Manager. Director etc.
important career decisions
Retention of 10 Years with Synopsys Company gave exposure to VLSI. Later moving to outside India, found many things to learn, develop and contribute to the Semiconductor world. Hence keeping this search and moving on.
Growing Strategy
Very much confident, that I can grow as a QA professional or an expert, by seeing the product, understanding its outputs and inputs (bounded inputs and outputs). De-rate the maximum possibilities of the worst of the worst, scenarios. This can build any QA system without, any bugs in it.
Yes. Now a days many reputed universities offer number of QualityAssurance courses. But be aware of the courses from illegal universities, or non recognized firms.

Family Background
My father was a Mathematics/Science teacher, with his BSc, MA, M.Ed qualifications. Mom is house wife. My ancestors, like grand fathers from (mom/dad side) were all formers, in interiors of north Karnataka. My all childhood was in villages.
Dream Job
I want to get a lot of time and space while inventing something, which could be a dream. But such innovations have the time limits in corporate. It is a time to market always
Career Disappointments
Few white papers were withdrawn after got selected for some Symposiums. But it is mainly because of not adding few of Authors, effect of the office politics
Boss Qualities
Personally I do not believe in Boss and employee culture. There should be differentiation only with designation but not to be shown in attitude and behavior. Still Boss should not have just a people management strategy. He should have to understand the difficulties, technical challenges,,
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