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Advice Request
Balamurugan S
Balamurugan S

Balamurugan S


Bals Technology


Balamurugan S is a member of:

- Expert

Balamurugan S's Advice

Be patient with your client

At the beginning stage don’t consider about profit or money for your work. Be patient with your client and employees till you reach your goal. Once you succeed then everyone will value you. Be a leader in every means and so peoples will follow u. Never wait for a right time to do something right.
Company Profile
Bals Technology, a division of Bals Group of Technologies is one among the global IT services and project engineering companies.  The company has been established since 2009 and started its technology business in 2011.We make our clients business more efficient through a combination of process transformation, outsourcing, consulting and staff outsourcing services. In future most of the technology that you come across in daily life automobile navigation systems, cell phones, computing servers - will find Bals Technology applications in them.
Addressing the Risks
Foreseeing the changes in technology is the major risk I found. Managing the clients and resources and finding the right person to hire also some of the risks I faced.With patience, friendly manner, trusty talks and behaviors I addressed the risks.
Mistake encountered
Should be cool with clients instead getting emotion while clients not response or payment properly. There is no business without clients so must keep good relationship with clients.Be friendly talk with employees because they are god of our business. There is no development in business without employees.Must provide good environment to the employees to work.
My goal, my hard work, my team and my clients drives me.
My Role
It was my goal to start my own software company. One fine day I leaved my software developer’s job and started the journey towards my dream.  I have taken different roles for the development of my company. I worked as an employee from the starting phase to the ending phase of the product development and then in marketing and also roles as a CEO too. Also mainly with the help of my pleasing employees, I am achieving my goal.
Advice to young entrepreneurs
At the beginning stage don’t consider about profit or money for your work. Be patient with your client and employees till you reach your goal. Once you succeed then everyone will value you. Be a leader in every means and so peoples will follow u. Never wait for a right time to do something right.
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