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Advice Request
Atul Gandotra
Atul Gandotra

Atul Gandotra

Healthcare Executive

Synergy Healthcare

Ensuring success
Constantly upgrading my self with both related and unrelated knowledge , always in search of excellence. Work to me is my prayer and true tribute to almighty who has bestowed me with Good Body and Great mind. Meeting and learning from people is my hobby. Challenging myself is what takes me to better levels of performance both on my professional and personal fronts.
My family background
I was born into a middle class family of Jammu to educated parents . My father was a serviceman and mother a teacher. Both my parents taught us lessons of hardworking, honesty, commitment and above all humanity. My father migrated from Sialkot and my mother from Lahore following partition. My father was a national level football player and my mother was honoured for her services to wounded soldiers during 1965 war when she was posted at Chammb Jouria that saw fierce battle. My mother passed away young at the age of 51 in 1983 and my father left for heavenly abode in 1996 at the age of 72. We are three brothers , I am the middle one. My elder brother is a senior executive at Delhi and younger is settled at USA doing his business . My wife hales from Delhi , a graduate dedicated to family while my elder daughter is a corporate lawyer and younger one is a Psychologist . Both are excellent in studies and are doing well in their life and yet to be married.
Thoughts on Education system of our country
We have a very standard and canned education system that encourages rat race for degrees and marks rather than grooming individual interests and talent.
Of late education has become only a commercial preposition where institutions churn out degrees and thus raw material comes out as very poor and frustrated finished product.
It is a must that after basic education till 10th standard, students must be put to higher education to individual subjects where they could excel or expressed in action their interest including vocational education. By doing so we may have experts and not generalists.
Important lesson learned
The most important lesson of my life is " Decisions must be based on rationale while implementation of rationale decisions must be emotional " . I took few decisions based on my emotions and let myself down badly.
Never ever compromise with your hunger to knowledge.
Listening pays more than talking.
Respect others view point.
Brief description about me
Post graduate in Genetics with over three decades experience with pharmaceutical and healthcare industry graduating from a humble Begining as a Med. Rep to Profit Centre Head. Associated with corporates like Wockhardt,Abbott, Cadillla and Morepen. I have to my credit successful launch of many a new drug products besides introduction of Enteral Nutrition and Anesthetic Agents viz Sevoflorane and Isoflorane. Widely travelled with close associates across the Globe. Did a Green field tertiarycare hospital project . Have seen ups and downs in life and battled out failures with grit and determination and never say die attitude. Co authored a book "stress-a challenge, let us enjoy it" with foreword by His Holiness Dalai Lama. Groomed by middle class educated parents, excellent leaders and supported by great brothers, decent wife and two talented daughters . Have lots of true friends. Passionately I am a Motivational Speaker.
Influenced by
Life, planet Earth and Universe has influenced me most and to enjoy life most, I have tried to better my best that has taken me around beautiful world, different cultures, climate and above all people .
My role model
Azim Premji has inspired me most. He is self made, humble , creative, innovative and down to earth with lots of philanthropy to his credit.
Couple of years from now
Jumping jack, full of energy , child like mind and enjoying my life.
Qualities needed to become a successful leader
Constant learner, passion for people, passionate to work, encouraging, accepts mistakes as stepping stones to success, playing captain, untiring and not living in euphoric state of mind.
More about myself
I had a fall that took heavy toll of my all material belongings so much so that at one stage I was not able to buy food, however in such a situation also I did not give up and that strong will of mine to survive and fight back was supported by my close family, friends as they could out of my behaviour get the signals that I am a fighter this I should be backed and supported. During this critical times to fight extremes of distress, I wrote the book on Stress as mentioned in one of earlier questions.
Degree that I recommend
No , not now.
My achievements
I take pride in moving up the ladder of organisational hierarchy through my dedicated hard work and no no to any situation I came across , plunged in and came out successful .
Writing a book gives me lots of satisfaction .
My biggest achievement is to have very close friends spread across the world and coming from different cultures, colour, religion and cast.
Important decision
Leaving my home town once for all in search of excellence .
My strongest skill
A ver positive attitude, leadership model of a playing captain, Communication, result orientation and interpersonal relations.
Initiative to develop a country
Only by improving work culture , building talent and innovation all around.
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