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Advice Request
Devendra Patkie
Devendra Patkie

Devendra Patkie

DGM Innovations and Management

Insta Exhibitions Pvt. Ltd.


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Family Background
My family has been my prime support as far as my professional and personal development is concerned. Being raised in Delhi helped me understand how to get work done from people from cross cultural backgrounds however Mumbai later taught me the basics of work culture and a professional lifestyle.
Contribution to the field
The company I work for is a young, energetic and resilient company with the right intent and a will to grow. Conventional family owned start ups are looked upon as being close minded however Insta has provided me the freedom to think differently and think big and work as a part of a global team.
Importance of 4ps
My 4P's are similar to those of Kotler's. I believe that apart from Product, Price and Promotion People should be the 4thP rather than Place. This is because the customer, employee, employer, vendor are all people and the human side of enterprise is important to gauge effectiveness of marketing plan
Marketing is the art by which an organization can reach out to current or prospective customers & address their needs through its products and services. It is very important to build a brand over the years that guarantees a critical mass to a business. American companies have great marketing skills.
Importance of On line marketing
When the world is your playground it is imperative to reach out to audiences globally. Online marketing is a cost effective yet efficient way to market. Social media plays an important role in business networking and Search Engine Optimization makes you visible to Target Groups. It is indispensable.
Motivating Factor
A big motivating factor is clarity of vision and freedom to choose a legitimate path to achieve that vision. I now head a function with a team of 8, it is interesting to have a mix of technical and commercial bent of work which prevents me from stagnation and helps achieve successes big or small.
Although branding is an important attribute to ensure business success it is not the first item to tick. After a company achieves critical mass in business should it focus on brand building. Branding is also an effect of good values, optimized processes and innovation in products/services.
Future trend
Marketing now is going through two extremes. One is Online which ensures widest reach while other is BTL that ensures focused groups. Either ways the economics work best since in conventional print or TVC results were unknown and budgets soared high. Today marketing is cost sensitive & more focussed
Importance of Marketing
My role is to develop & launch new and innovative products, made in India, in Europe & USA region. This is an exciting albeit daunting task. It involves high degree of orientation of design and mfg to Western sense n sensibilities. This ensures sustained export revenue which is realized gradually.
Importance of sales
I believe sales is the first and most important function needed to grow a business. Unfortunately some companies often get blinded by top line growth and do not consolidate their operations for a strong bottom line. It is more sustainable to be profit driven rather than revenue driven.
Growth Prospect in marketing
I am not totally convinced if a marketing person is more likely to be successful as against one from other streams but ultimately it boils down to how effectively you market 'yourself' to your biz environment. As long as one is adding value to a business and making himself visible he will climb up.
What can be achieved
Sky is the limit for a marketing person! Marketing imbibes an optimum balance of creativity, business acumen and corporate strategy to enable a person achieve success and outperform himself almost everyday. A marketing person can rise to a CMO, CEO and later start his own venture as well.
Brief yourself
Growing in Delhi & working in Mumbai has made me a mixed breed so to speak. Engg. provided me an analytic direction to think while MBA gave a means to amalgamate my managerial tit bits I had gathered so far. I love to travel and like to resolve issues with a creative n biz oriented mindset.
I like to outperform myself every day. This is also reflected in the way I manage my team at Insta. I would say the growth I got here is good enough to write home about but not satisfactory to the level of being complacent. There are bigger battles to be won.
Importance of STP
The dividing line between product & service is fading and culminating into 'solutions'. When turnkey solutions are offered to the market it is suicidal to go wrong with STP. STP is key to a successful market plan; if one does not know whom to target & how, results will be as lucky as playing blind.
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