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Advice Request
Ashim Avtar Dash
Ashim Avtar Dash

Ashim Avtar Dash

software engineer

Tata Consultancy Services


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Current Trends
The Product that i have been associated with is one of the most important breakthroughs for IT Services as a whole, Cloud Computing is the key.Testing a software application hosted on a cloud,which is on such a wide forum of access(read customers) makes it a huge challenge in itself.Also,the newest software delivery model like SAAS,PAAS is here to stay as the most preferred way of customer service.
Challenges faced in job
The most challenging and vital aspect of testing a cloud based software application modeled around SAAS for Indian SMBs is requirements.By that i mean the client expectations changes just like a storm its direction.Capturing and rebuilding it without issues is pretty challenging job. This in turn helps us look into working upon the in house processes and strategies to maintain our mission and vision.
Company and job profile
I am an Electronics Engineer, working as a Test Analyst (QA Lead) with Tata Consultancy Services(TCS Hyd), Asia's largest Software Company and India's most valued company. As a QA Lead,I manage a testing team of 7 associates in certifying the quality of a world renowned product called 'TCS iON'. Its a one of a kind cloud based SAAS product launched for serving Small and Medium Businesses across our country.I consider myself a hard working,ambitious individual who wants to live life king size by making each day memorable by doing something worth for my family,my company and the society as a whole.
Goals and Ambitions
I want to be a successful IT Professional as well as a good manager which is my ultimate goal in 5 Yrs, I would want to learn the science behind management through an MBA.

Also, I would want to shape my plan of being a Social Entrepreneur as this my parents ultimate goal.
Views about 'Tech product Introduction is weak among Indians'
India has always been a power house of talent and innovations only to be recognized when taken to developed countries.The problem i feel is Indian IT Companies are highly self satisfied with grabbing outsourced work of the Fortune 500,1000 companies of the world. Which is diverting the talent pool from indigenous innovations and creations. Although the last 5yrs has seen Indian Start Ups pull up their sleeves to take down their other affluent and established counterparts.Right acceptance from the fraternity,investors can actually catapult indian talent to the outer world and make Indian Tech Products also be accepted as others.
Being different
Engineering has helped me from approaching a problem in its best possible way.As Engineers are more focussed on the results. After being successfull in getting the right results to the various day to day programs or problems,the same is being shared with the others in team. Even in my engineering i wanted to lead from front for any resolution or change. SO i feel that engineers can eventually become great managers, and this capability of mine has been the most exclusive USP for me.
My strongest Skill
1. Leadership
2. Communication Skills
3. Flexibility-Adaptibility-Multiple assignments,multiple locations
4. Interpersonal Abilities.
My achievement
1.Have taken over a challenging responsibility at a very young age in IT,and successful till now.(Star of the Month Award,'Sharpshooter'-Best Test Engineer Award)
2.Regional Finalist of Maruti Suzuki Big-Idea Contest.
My advice
1. Do thorough homework about the company you are getting into,the verticals and the technology that is on demand in that period
2. Domain expertise is must,expertise in a testing tool is also beneficial.
3. Should not be following the herd at all.Make some noise and make urself known to the status quo.
Managing professional as well as personal life
Being in a responsible position it is indeed a cumbersome job to be able to handle both lives together,but somehow pressure is less as we are given ample chance to use our free time in the office itself with sports and other hobbies or interests.
But it is very important to segregate between the two and actually live happily and heartily.
Family Background
My father is a Finance Manager in a Public Sector Undertaking,My mother is an energetic housewife, I have an younger sister who is still studying.
Books recommended
1.Software testing by Ron Patton.
2. I believe just typing these letters in google is the best knowledge source u can get :- Few Website i would recomend :-;;
There are many private blogs by experienced QA enthusiasts, which is very entertaining and relevant.
My role model
1. My dad is my ultimate role model of my life.The fact that he came up from a completely low background to become a successful man. I see him i feel money is not measure of success,the way it is being earned is definitely.His humility and his nature of giving to the society are few characters that are still my learnings
Making job easier
Currently i attribute my satisfaction to my small team,who have been a bunch of very fast learners and outstanding work professionals.
Oranization wise TCS and above all iON team have mentors and immensely experienced professionals who are instrumental in guiding us through a common goal.
TCS is a very flexible company.It will make you feel relaxed if you acclimatize to the situations properly,
My important career decision
To have stuck to grab the responsibility as a QA lead instead of jumping into the race for MBA.
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