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Advice Request
Arindam Bandyopadhyay
Arindam Bandyopadhyay

Arindam Bandyopadhyay

Associate Professor (Finance)

National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM)

Most Rewarding Moment
Banking is a dynamic business where risk and opportunities exists side by side. Risk management is a very interesting subject that I teach our post graduate students. I also give training to bank executives on Basel II, credit risk management and try to demystify the use of statistical techniques in risk management in Banks. I feel happy when the banks use my teaching techniques and live cases in their skill development and improve practices. I also teach research methodology in banking and finance and mentor the students to conduct applied research in the problem solving area.
About Me
Dr. Arindam Bandyopadhyay, M.Phil and Ph.D., is Associate Professor in Finance area in National Institute of Bank Management (NIBM), Pune. My works involve teaching, consultancy, and training in the area of Credit Risk Analysis, Portfolio Modelling, Basel II and Basel III at NIBM. I have eight international publications in peer reviewed journals in the area of risk management and corporate finance. I have also coordinated at least 10 consultancy research at NIBM with leading Public Sector Banks & Financial Institutions in India. I teach risk management and research methodology subjects at NIBM’s postgraduate course. I have 15 years of research experience, currently editor of PRAJNAN Journal and recognized guide in Pune University. I am also active trainer to bank executives in risk management.
Important Lesson
One should be sincere, honest, hard working and keep constant focus on his/her job to overcome all the hurdles.
Way to motivate Students
I create numerous live examples, discuss actual cases and show many applications show that students understand the concepts better and their usage in the practical life. I also try to interact them with the banking problems shared by the practitioners.This approach also guides them to see their future career path.
Strongest Subject
Quantitative Methods in Finance & Applied Research. Because, I have developed this skills during my M.Phil and Ph.D. course in JNU and later while working with many consultancy assignments with banks in solving their problems. I love to do data analysis, model building, demonstrate and test their applications in solving banking problems and guide them to apply these methods in decision making process. I also love to do research, writing and publishing my work.
My Advice
Banking and Finance is an exciting area if you have interest in it. Choosing banking as a career is a wise option to prosper fast in careers and get exposure to rapidly growing global financial markets. At NIBM, we offer post graduate diploma in banking and finance which is also a very good course to enter into this profession. We offer fellowship courses as well for the researchers.
My priorities
Research, Teaching, Consultancy & Training.
My inspiring personality
My professors in JNU, Dr. Sudipto Dasgupta, Dr. Sandwip Kumar Das, Dr. Manoj Pant who have taught me international economics, finance and quantitative methods in JNU. They inspire me because of their command on the subject, lucid technique in teaching and mentoring. Dr. Asish Saha, former director of NIBM has also motivated me a lot for his rich understanding of the subject. The works of Dr. Rakesh Mohan, Prof. Subrata Sarkar, Dr.Raghuram Rajan also inspires me a lot.
Family Background
I am married to my wife Mousumi Bandyopadhyay since 2003. We are four brothers and I have two sisters. I am the youngest one. They are living in Calcutta. My father Satyendra Nath Banerjee has passed away in 2001 and mother Uma Rani Banerjee has also left me in 2011.
Favorite Non-Academic books
I read articles in Business Standard, Financial Express, Times of India to update myself about the current affairs. Fond of reading Indian Mythological stories, ancient history in free time.
Unique way of teaching
Case analysis, hands on teaching, practical sessions with great visibility (audio-visual) will make teaching more effective and interesting.
Outlook about increase students’ participation
Students are the future of this nation. They bring new ideas, thoughts and powerful energies to convert these ideas in to an action. The government should spend money to provide not only basic education but also skill development courses and provide job opportunities within India. Government also should check the academic standard of schools and colleges. Teachers should be encouraged to give more time to the students in their class teaching sessions. There should be increased access of education loans for the needy & deserving students at a lower cost.
Outlook about way to raise quality education
1) Good teachers
2) Standard Teaching methods
3) Entry to Engineering/Medical/MBA courses on merit basis
4) Standardization of education in Universities/Business schools
5) Centralized rating/ranking procedure to compare academic credibility of students
6) More emphasis on class room teaching than private tuition
7) Career counseling for students
Most Challenges facing by students
Getting proper career information, career guidance, access to finance, good teachers and authentic teaching material
Future of Indian Education System
There is a growing interest amongst the students on professional courses. Students are now more informed about their career options and better prepared to take these opportunities. Many good academic institutions in India are now offering quality courses that has international standards. Banking and Finance is an excellent area where students from science, commerce and also can build their career and prosper very fast.Indian banking system is very strong and stable thanks to prudent RBI regulations. With rapid growth in banking sector to meet the financial demand of nation and granting of new bank licenses, the industry provide many opportunities for graduates as well post graduates from any filed.
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