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Anurag Jain
Anurag Jain

Anurag Jain



Spare time activities
Reading interesting articles, books, etc. Doing light exercise & yoga, blogging, meeting with friends, try connecting with new people over the Net, searching or surfing interesting and constructive things. Also, playing basket-ball. Most of all keep thinking what can I do new or different for my blog
Favorite Books and Articles
I read "The Monk Who sold His Ferrari", and I have to say the words of that book keep coming in mind. There are many things mentioned in this book to achieve the happiness in Life, and I try to follow this book every-time i get some time, and I must say this book is must to read.
View s for better India
I believe small things together contribute to achieve bigger goal. So, to increase the participation of students for the development of nation, we should try to find out in what things a student is interested, the thing-at first- may be small but as an individual start learning, together all the individuals make a better nation.
As a student, at first I was like i don't know what should i do, but after some time i realised I want to learn new things which can develop an individual and i want to share my knowledge with other. Only, then the idea of my blog came into picture and started writing about different things which i thought might be useful to me as well as other.
So, should say that every student from somewhere inside know what they want to do but sometimes they themselves are not aware. But they shouldn't be worried. They should follow there interest and be passionate about it.
Time Management
First think what help me the most in future for my self development and for peace of my heart , then I start writing down the list according to the help which they provide me satisfaction.
In the beginning all this will take time but as you start following this method you will take no time to prioritize things.
Family Background
I was born in the rich-hearted family, although poor by money. In starting, my parents struggled a lot for my better education, then the black night passed away and my parents were able to provide me a better education. Currently, I am enrolled in B-Tech program with Computer Science in VIT University.
About Myself
I am the Co-founder and CEO of "TechieOasis". I am a freelance blogger. I believe in the thought "Be the change that you want to see in the world". This is the one thing I am trying to accomplish through my blog " ". I write about everything which interest me and can be helpful to me as well as other. I love to play basket-ball and want to connect with the smart people.
Additional information
Every individual should believe in himself and follow the thought, "Try, try, and try again, and you will be successful".
First Job Expectation
Respect, Interest, and people.
Most flourishing college experience
The rewarding college experience was when I was became the representative for whole Computer Science Department in the year 2011-2012. It the most amazing experience because that was my first year and Dean of the department chose me for the job, every teacher call me first whenever they want to convey something new to students. It was a great experience.
Most proud accomplishment
I am proud of my Blog - TechieOasis. This blog is for the people who believe that small things collectively create bigger things. I believe in small development led to bigger establishment. Hence this blog came in picture, it comprises of small-small solution of some common problem+ it also contains regular technical updates and much more which collectively develop individual.
Challenges facing by students
The biggest challenge for the student is to choose their career.
My uniqueness
Learning new things. Learning is one thing which I think is most the important part of mine. I always try to learn new thing, even if it not the part of mine domain.
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