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Ask Anthony Joseph Sahu for Advice
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Advice Request
Anthony Joseph Sahu
Anthony Joseph Sahu

Anthony Joseph Sahu



Advice For New Professionals:
To believe ur ability, to never give up, and fight back what u really deserves, and even learn to donate and sacrifice somethings when other is in more need then u are.
Professional Strengths:
Fast, efficient, reliable,accurate.
Ofcourse we are human being
Done Differently:
I can always, no fear, no worries, I have confidence and will poper, dedication.
I will establish my own company, firm, and make it a real family.
Plans For The Future:
Earning in at least 50k plus, and spend on those really require,
A dream of mine to educate a child in need, to donate to needy people, those dont have ways to stand in life.
Role Model:
I cant say a name , they have all there own space in different ways
Involvement in the Industry
Will say some days later. As coming soon
The Journey So Far:
Struggled and worked hard, still working, increasing my skill day by day, knowledge related my surrounding work and out knowledge works, I can do anything, unless its impossible or that I cant stand on my feet. Technical very tough to sound like me.
I have learned many things in life, as of knowledge, I m good to computers, soulful to guitars, faster for motorcycle, runner for stamina, and life still rocks as when I see nature's beauty like heat, snow, mountains, rains, trees, eveything as well planned, I m possible, I dont give up unless emotionally attachments dont force me, I can love worst people, and make them learn a lesson, if need to make them understand. Well I give, I manipulate, I love, I vision, and make my journey, as this far.
Growth Strategy:
Haha, I m possible. I have quality, people know, and come with love to talk, and to get their answer and doubt solved.
I can lead people to real directions and possibility, thah is always true and will stand through true pillars and clear as a glass.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
We can be stagnant , we need to flow
Stagnancies pollutes us and also others

Not much changed, as I adopted everything that I got. Grabbed when shared, and left.
I never stopped learning and didnt found much difference.
Career Profile:
Since belonging to software field, its tough to understand engineering works, but I made it happened, difference between bca and, I belong to quality department in our company, u can learn to become extremely strong, and reliable working with our company.
Well Responsibility is to look after the quality of product straight from input assembly to the output packing. So that customer can believe a QC pass stamp. I love to manage the big world in small hands, we are a family, Bhagwati Products Ltd. Micromax.
The Decisions That Matter
I Shifted from my birth place and hometown. I left my emotions and love back, regarding my parents and family members, as of a person, who is left behind.
Earlier worked individually as a computer maintenance services in rourkela, sold products and accessories for earning my hand in cash.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
Loving peoples, colleagues, and performance, that is true
Family Background
My family is a joined family.
We are Sahu's from rourkela,
My father works as a senior operator in Rourkela Steel plant,
Mother house wife.
Very broad minded peoples, in any case. Thank God for giving me such a family
Working Life Management:
Working extremely hard, loving colleague's, and helping them in need, a good person says life is miserable as when no one knows u.
Relaxing and touring in motorcycle
Job Profile:
I work as a LQC and PQC in our company, I belong to quality department,
Tablet quality, led tv quality, phone quality, dongle quality
Related to solderings, related to dusty display, related to fittment, many more.
And I am very fast and accurate, I believe, and my colleague says.
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