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Advice Request
Amit Kochhar
Amit Kochhar

Amit Kochhar

Occupational Therapist

still waiting

Blogs (2)

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Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
I belong to a Punjabi family with strong moral and cultural values.
Other Thoughts:
yes, i want to share that to be a successful professional you need a god family support not in terms of monetary favors, but a trust and motivation. I have seen various difficulty in my education as well as in my personal life because of finacial problems but my family was my biggest support.
Working Life Management:
No doubt its tedious task to manage this balance, but being a medical professional that is Occupational therapist, i have to justify my treatment by giving proper time to my patients and family understands this, but still i use to take a day in a week for my family and friends.
Career Profile:
Being an Occupational therapist, its very necessary for me to provide accurate treatment to my patients, and to develop a sense of trust on my therapy. i need to counsel them and their caretakers, because without their compliance their is no use of therapeutic interventions.
Job Profile:
I am a fresh graduate with more than 2 years of clinical experience in developmental disorders and neurological problems. these days i use to see many private cases specially, cerebral palsy, autism. learning disabilities, down's syndrome and hemiplegia etc. i work as an Occupational Therapist.
Changes In The Professional Environment:
as i am not in a regular job at this time, i'll talk about the changes that occurred in our professional domain. the biggest change that i am observing in the professional environment these days is the increase in the awareness of Occupational therapy among general public.
Role Model:
its a difficult question, as their are many people in my life who inspired me in my life, but still Dr. Kamlesh Awdhutrao Malti is the one who is a constant inspiration for me as being an Occupational therapist he had achieved the places where hardly one can think of.
Done Differently:
Networking, would be the first thing i'll think of. because its not about career its about using your current knowledge in a way that it will lead you to the success and for this you need a good networking.
Required Reading:
Willard and spacksman, Tombley, , Pedretti, Krammer(Pediatric Occupational therapy frame of reference), Bundy( Sensory Integration) are some of the books that will surely help them in their carrier, about websites, scribd, linkden, siliconindia, and even facebook will help them a lot.
Growth Strategy:
Think like a businessman, work like a professional, and behave like a deep rooted person are my key points to ensure my growth and to develop as a leader.
The Decisions That Matter
opening a private clinic is the most important career decision, that i am thinking about these days, and soon i'll open my own clinic to deliver my services directly to the needy population.
Degrees That Matter:
BOT is the basic degree for being an Occupational therapist, but you must go for masters, and if possible up to PhD level.
The Journey So Far:
i am not into the corporate sector till now, but i have plans for this. may be this would be the ideal question for me after some years.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
their are many related with my therapeutic results, but still every time when the caretakers of my patients reached to me with a big smile on their face and tears in their eyes saying that "thanks Sir for your help to make my children abled", are the biggest moments of my life.
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