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Advice Request
Anshul Katta
Anshul Katta

Anshul Katta


Pratham Softwares

Could you tell us briefly about your family background?
My Family is a nuclear one,My Father,mother,grandmother,sister,although i have 2 uncles,they too have nuclear family.My father is a businessman, we had a long family business , but as my interest grew in Computers, he said one day " GO AFTER YOUR DREAMS,THEY ARE WORTHY " and so i did.
Role Model:
My role model is Richard Stallman(RMS), founder of GNU (Organisation) and FSF(Free Software foundation), also writer of GPL(General Public License).He is a philosophical person, he raised his voice for Free and Open Source software ,i follow his vision that we are meant for change in the society.
Degrees That Matter:
I have done my B Tech , but its just Graduation , and moreover no practical knowledge is given during curriculam however i have learned out of the book so much from the internet, I like to do MS from Foreign University, good Ethical Hacking course,only certifications doesn't mean u have knowledge.
Advice For New Professionals:
Professionals today i consider they are only for money , and not for revolution , they come for earning money in the field, of course money is important but i have talked to some professional , some of them are freaks and interested others they dont really know about anything about technology.
Done Differently:
I would like to start my career in Web Security, it is much important now because every service is going to be online , so it is very important to secure the Web Applications.Moreover JAVA like languages are open source and constantly building new API's , so , new modern Projects like Sixth Sense.
Plans For The Future:
I would like to be a Leader , Revolutionize the field of IT , IT Security and Management.The IT Giants like Google & Facebook are not after money , they just provided service, money is deduced afterwards unlike TCS and Infosys , who major target is only money and then service.
Prized Accomplishment(s):
GOD,My mother,My father,my Old Computer,and my Senior who encouraged me all. Loneliness
also helped me know more about me.
Other Thoughts:
Your Website is XSS Vulnerable,its ok to have bugs but inspite of sending emails to your web team and they not fixing it,is really very disappointing,same case with other sites like IEEE,Times Jobs,HCL.
Required Reading:
Books like iWoz,Digit and other which enhances knowledge .Websites, are like , every website got anything worthy, you type into google, you can find tons of articles on tat topic.Publications aren't worthy but paper work are really good.
The Decisions That Matter
I was never good at PCM in my 10th and 11th , i was miserably failing,my teachers said he would never make it out, but i knew that if i can't do here then i will not be abel to do Computer Engineering, toughest is going against my Mom's decision who wanted me to take Commerce.I made good % in 12th.
Growth Strategy:
I will try to gain as much knowledge and make out good decisions.Decision making is the most important for a Leader.Its very important.And mistakenly if wrong decision are made,no matter what it costs,stick to it,but make it worthy,and ensure i have learned from it.Mistakes happen to give us Lessons
Changes In The Professional Environment:
Job Profile:
Now i have just gave my 8th sem exams but as my major project is right there, i see my self as self motivated and self learning person.My partner is not so good at programming , but he takes small responsibilities that looking out some codes from internet, he admire my passion and patience.
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